View Full Version : Spiritualist church and readings

29-03-08, 19:07
Hi Ive had readings before but today I went again, the first time in many years.
I have come home and feel so relaxed. I could not believe what I was told and could relate to almost everything, as Ive started to suffer health anxiety i was so relieved to be told I didnt have any of the things I thought I had.
I am going on holiday tommorow and have to say right now I feel a lot better aobut leaving my comfort zone.
Just wondered what other peoples thoughts and feelings were.xxx

29-03-08, 19:49

well i am glad it worked for you and you feel happy :hugs:

my mum gets readings done a lot and the lady who dose it is very good gets most things right and has been a comfort to my mum .
i have thought about having a reading done last year but a very good frend of mine talked me out of it and in a way i am pleased now.

jodie xxxxx

29-03-08, 21:08
funny u mention this cos i visited "Lotus tarot" today online and they give a free reading , which was very good.:D

29-03-08, 21:46

My own advice would be to stay away from getting readings done etc, I think that a lot of people who do them are frauds and only in it to make money - sorry just something I feel strongly about!

Obviously if having a reading done provides comfort then it is not all bad, but we all have the power to change our lives any time we want and we can do it independently of "fortune tellers".

Now I just need to touch some wood and find my lucky heather before checking the lotto numbers!!!

30-03-08, 02:28
I went to a Spiritual Healer 10 years ago, actually I gave a lift to someone going to see the Healer and went in with them . The healer called me over and passed his hands over a region of my body where I'd had internal pains . I felt a "lift", an extraordinary sensation. I didn't go there for healing but he called me over, "come on Mum" he said, he must have sensed I had a need.
It was the most profound experience of my life.

06-04-08, 23:17
Hi Thanks for your replies, Jodie why are you glad you had your mind changed if you dont mind me asking?
Hi Mirry glad you had a good reading, never thought of doing it online.
Hi Breathon,I didnt have to pay for my reading so she was not in it to make money,
Hi sagey, great to hear of your experience, thanks for sharing.
I have just enjoyed a wonderful week away in the sun, I have to admit to putting a lot of thought into what I was told over the week, and still feel good about it.

18-06-08, 01:12
There has been so many people out there telling people what they really want to hear.....darran brown expopsed them and houdini before him...Its like picking 10 different newspapers and reading your stars they all say something different...Me I dont believe in one word they have to say and I disagree with going to them.....

I can give you a reading!!!

you've had troubled times lately and things have been getting on top of you but I can see that there is going to be changes coming soon and there is a light around you of positivity..you may not feel it but its there...

18-06-08, 03:27
I don't believe in it either but the way I figure it ...
if YOU believe it then that is all that matters.

I mean think about it...
If alot of the symptoms that we all experience - dizziness,blurry vision,fatigue,etc, is caused by the way our body reacts to our brain then wouldn't you believing that having a reading done or a healing performed will help, wouldn't it make you more relaxed?
Does that make sense??
I mean even if it's a placebo and has no scientific evidence to back it up, placebo's work in something like half the people they are used on so it's still worth it!!!

Just my thoughts I hope I haven't offended anyone :)

Granny Primark
18-06-08, 21:56
I went to a spiritualist church many years ago about 3 months after my mum had died suddenly.
I was picked out and the medium told me my mums name and even described her.
Goodness knows how he knew. He also told me that I was living in a fog and that fog would clear.
Weeks after me and my sis in law went to a different spiritualist church. The first time I never got a message. However the second time I was singled out.
I was told that something Id wanted for many years was going happen in October.
It happened. I finally got pregnant with my 2nd child after years of being unable to concieve.
After my mum had died I used to go to her graveside and ask her to ask God for a baby for us.
Lo and behold it happened.
I really want to believe but im still not totally convinced.
I know that when Ive got a prob I talk to my parents and ask for help.
Its a comfort just thinking that maybe they are somewhere special and looking over us.

18-06-08, 23:04
Anything that makes you feel good can't be wrong. I know there as been a bit of controversy about some of these people, but if people feel better after visiting them, then all the better.
There's millions of people watch EastEnders. It's not fact, but they feel better after watching it.


19-06-08, 12:56
Despite loving the holistic approach to life and being open to all alternative therapies and even considering myself to have a spiritual nature, this sort of thing isn't really my cup of tea.

I love doing little readings of cheerful oracle cards for myself and my piglets and reading my horoscope but I think that's as far as I want to wander in this particular direction.

I had a reading done when I was 16 and it scared me at the time and I knew then that it wasn't for me but I do know loads of people who draw a great deal of comfort from it so I think its a totally personal call.

Love Piglet :flowers:

19-06-08, 13:06
Can they tip horses? if so, I am going ;)

19-06-08, 13:49

If this makes anyone feel better, then its not bad.

I am naturally gifted in mediumship, I very rarely use it. If I do, then I certainly do not charge. (shame I cant help myself :-) )

Saying that they are frauds, I feel is a bit to strong. Not all people are the same, so as far as I'm concerned not all mediums are frauds. Everyone has to make a living.

Although, I would say, if you want to go and see someone, then it is best to shop around, so to speak and go on word of mouth maybe...

Dont want to offend with this reply, but as I say, to someone who is gifted in this and is not a fraudster. It could be taken personally....

19-06-08, 14:26
Hi peeps

i went to see a medium after my mum died in jan this year she was amazing. This is when my panic and anxiety attacks started . I went with my friend and mother in law and as soon as i sat down she asked who helen was here to talk to i nearly fell through the floor. She told me things that really put me at ease i never really believed in it at first but she told me things about my mums illness and she told me off for not eating. I would deffinatley go again

I know its not for everyone but if it makes you feel better then whats the harm

Anna x

19-06-08, 16:43
Sorry to hear about your mum Anna. Glad you got some comfort from it


19-06-08, 19:46
Thanks Emma

i have also found a great deal of help and comfort from this website. Its good to know how other people handle their situations and its comfort knowing im not the only one

Thanks again Emma


19-06-08, 21:13
I've never had a reading of any kind myself. I think if it gives comfort to anyone I'm not one to judge.

Laura xxx

20-06-08, 00:24
ooooooooooooooooooo just typed a long reply, timed out, try again tomorrow,,,xxx

20-06-08, 04:46
ooooooooooooooooooo just typed a long reply, timed out, try again tomorrow,,,xxx

I absolutely HATE when that happens!!!!
Sorry your reply got lost in the internet abyss Alexis!!
Hope you have better luck tomorrow.
Remember to tick the remember me box.
I always forget to do that!!!

20-06-08, 17:32
HI all, well this thread has certainly come alive again.:yesyes:
Purple haze, I agree with you, I never read a newspaper, watch about an hour of TV a week if that and only read horoscopes if in waiting rooms or visiting, by which time the mag/paper is prob months out of date anyway.:blush:
Thanks for your reading, interesting, completely different to any Ive had, and no mention of who was sending message.:shrug:

Hi eeyorelover, It wasnt only about health anxiety tho, yes I was included on a placebo thing, I knew straight away I had the placebo, as it didnt work,:blush:

Hi granny Primark, when I first posted this thread I was at that stage, I was astounded at how she knew names etc. Im glad things worked for you, :yahoo:
Hi tom, many thanks for your reply too,:yesyes:
Hi Piglet,xxx:bighug1: , so sorry you had bad experience.

Jaco, these people are not fortune tellers, there is a difference.

Hi emma, your post certainly didnt offend, these people Ive seen get no profit, dont charge, so that is why I believe them too,.
Hi anna, so glad you felt better for going, :bighug1:

hi Laura, miss our chats,:flowers:

Well since I first posted about this, I now attend as regular as I am able. At first i was a little confused by it all and only went as Id lost a friend very suddenly and young.
Anyway he never came through but Ive had lots of messages from others, i wont go into detail as I think it is a very personal thing.
Some of the details I got were only known to me, so I know its defintily true.
I had to check first it wasnt going against the church.
We do not pay, so the mediums dont profit form this, some people think they are " fortune tellers" there is a great big difference,
Thanks all, xxxxx

20-06-08, 18:43
Despite loving the holistic approach to life and being open to all alternative therapies and even considering myself to have a spiritual nature, this sort of thing isn't really my cup of tea.

I love doing little readings of cheerful oracle cards for myself and my piglets and reading my horoscope but I think that's as far as I want to wander in this particular direction.

I had a reading done when I was 16 and it scared me at the time and I knew then that it wasn't for me but I do know loads of people who draw a great deal of comfort from it so I think its a totally personal call.

Love Piglet :flowers:
I'm with you on this. I think a genuinely gifted medium could probably tell you things you wouldn't want to know. Personally, I'm just too sceptical and too pessimistic to believe anyone who tells me my future is going to be trouble-free!

20-06-08, 19:12
As yet i havent come across anyone who has told me my future is going to be trouble free, wish I had.
In fact like i say, hardly touch upon future .

20-06-08, 19:41
As yet i havent come across anyone who has told me my future is going to be trouble free, wish I had.
Interesting... out of curiosity, why do you go to psychics? Do you hope that they'll tell you the future will be good?

20-06-08, 20:33
Hi francis, no I dont want the mediums to tell me my future is going to be good,if they did, i wouldnt go, as they do not predict the future.
I go because I was married for 25 years and suddenly my ex husband just went,I was devastated and still am over 2 years down the line.My life will never be the same.I will never be happy again.
But after a while I met a man and we had a wonderful friendship, we went to llisten to lots of live music etc, lots of walks, when i wouldn t leave the house he would call and take me out.
I lost him suddenly at Christmas.
He died suddenly.

20-06-08, 21:00

I'm sorry to hear about your partner's passing Alexis!
When something like that happens it's perfectly understandable to ask 'why' and also to feel your world has been turned upside down - because it really has!!
If it gives you some comfort then I say - do what works for you!!!

20-06-08, 21:44
:bighug1: Alexis,

Words can't express how deeply sorry I am for your loss. Just when you were probably opening up that happened. I too miss our talks and I had no idea this had gone on. I'm so glad you went on with your holiday and are still taking care of you and have the strength to go forwards. My hat is really off to you as you are so strong. I do offer my condolences.

Love and many hugs,


20-06-08, 22:02
Hi francis, no I dont want the mediums to tell me my future is going to be good,if they did, i wouldnt go, as they do not predict the future.
I go because I was married for 25 years and suddenly my ex husband just went,I was devastated and still am over 2 years down the line.My life will never be the same.I will never be happy again.
But after a while I met a man and we had a wonderful friendship, we went to llisten to lots of live music etc, lots of walks, when i wouldn t leave the house he would call and take me out.
I lost him suddenly at Christmas.
He died suddenly.


I'm so so sorry. That really must seem like a bitterly cruel thing to happen. But listen, if somebody came along who helped you, it can happen again. Don't lose faith.

Best wishes,


21-06-08, 16:09
Hi Sandy, many thanks for your reply.:hugs:
Hi Laura, I know, we lost touch, a lot has happened since we last spoke, some good, :yesyes: some bad,:weep: I decided I was spending too long on the computer, if you are going to be on msn sometime, let me know. :flowers: After this week my hours are being reduced so I will have more time.
Hi francis, thanks for your reply, :bighug1: yes I suppose its true, I just have trouble trusting anyone again.:shrug: Had what I thought was perfect husband then he just went.:weep: :weep: :weep: