View Full Version : Any Advice on Herbal remedies???

29-03-08, 21:50
Hi all,
I don't suppose there is any great cures for anxiety and PMT/hormones but if anyone has any advice what I can try I would appreciate it. I feel nervous especially around hormone times and worry about health and get in a right tizzy, wish i didn't and would love to be able to stop it all as many would as well I guess! Does rescue remedy work? I like a drink to calm me but that seems to make my heart race now which worries me too, as well as missing beats etc. But I would be lost without a drink now and then!!
Any ideas or tried out tests!!??

tayside lassie
29-03-08, 22:25
hiya ...just wanted to say i had great results with rescue remedy (spray and pastilles) ..they dont totally put anxiety away but they do take the edge of them ..i was able to start going out again (on my own )after 2 years of not going futher than my front gate ..you wont know till you give them a try ...and i cant seem to take a drink either now get the same (heartbeat things ) .


30-03-08, 12:36
Yes I agree with Sally about Rescue remedy infact with all the flower remedies and I have you tried the new night time Rescue rememdy (has a lovely taste yummeeee)!!

I'm also never without my lavender oil - I either put it on a cottonwool ball in my handbag or I put some drops on my pillow at night. I do find Neroli pretty good too so I have a bottle of that in my handbag aswell.

Piglet :flowers:

30-03-08, 15:18
yes I agree about rescue remedy. It's really good. I don't want to sound like a total bore but alcohol is really bad for anxiety. It is a depressant and tho it might work a first when you are sobering up it can make you anx and shakey etc. It interferes with blood sugar levels and can really mess you up anxiety wise. This can happen even with a bit on a reg basis. I sound mad don't I but cutting it out really helped me. I eat reg and well and that helps too. Using alcohol when you're anxious is just a crutch really and if your on meds they won't work properly either. Not trying to preach but alcohol really affected me and my anxiety levels.
Try valerina to from holland and barrets and I too swear by lavender oil, always carry it with me.

30-03-08, 18:53
Rescue Remedy. And you might be lucky and find someone who is able to make up the remedy for your own individual purpose. I once had this done and she had all the proper stuff and it was brilliant ( but sadly she had to retire and I have never found anyone who does that since).

I use lavendar in my oil burner and on a tissue next to my pillow and a few drops in my bath. And I find orange oil is good too.

30-03-08, 21:48
I've just had my own Bach Flower essence made up and been able to buy it online from www.bachshop.co.uk (http://www.bachshop.co.uk) they even have a remedy finder where you fill out this online questionaire and that will give you the right ones out of the 38 essences available.

I had 4 added to mine and it cost £9.99 for a largish bottle (much bigger than the size of Rescue Remedy). I may actually invest in the stock bottles though so that I can make my own up in the future as it's very easy.

A super book I got to show you the basics is little book by Sven Sommer called the little book of Bach Flower Remedies (have a look on Amazon) £2.50.

Hope that is helpful :D .

Love Piglet :flowers:

30-03-08, 22:38
Im currently just started trying Xiao Yao Wan pills....heres hoping!