View Full Version : Ok The Time Has Come. I Need To Learn To Drive Help!!!

30-03-08, 10:56
I've delayed this long enough, 10 years infact:weep: But I really need to do it now in order to get my life back on track and get a better job that will give me a bit of confidence within myself.

I've not had a panic attack in about 2 years I now just have generalised anxiety and to be honest the whole experience of learning to drive scares me. My OH is going to give me lessons so I won't need that many lessons with an instructor, but even going to an instructor scares me, I mean what if I have a panic attack of freak out or something?? I'm not to good travelling in a car as a passenger so unless its different being the driver I don't know?? And then there the theory test, again I am anxious about this, what if I have a panic attack and run out like a mad man, I know I haven't had an attack in years but the fear is still there.

Have you been in my position? Can you offer me any advice PLEASE!!!!

30-03-08, 13:53

30-03-08, 14:11
Woah!! Slow down lad and chill.

First of all tell your instructor that while you haven't had a panic attack in 2 years, you have generalised anxiety. Most instructors are only too aware that a learner is going to be nervous and they also know that out there are some extremely nervous people.

Being a driver is a totally different experience than a passenger. YOU have full control of the car and you can feel every bump and roll etc., whereas being a passenger you are not in control so you can get a little travel sick. After being a driver I'm now a bad passenger cos I automatically go to hit the brake when "I" would go for it and not when the driver does, and if he hits it late I'm pushing myself back into the seat. Once you've got your confidence you'll wonder why you worried. It becomes like breathing, I do things in the car like thinking I must put my indicator on for example only to find I've already done it

Perhaps having a few lessons to start off with with an instructor might help, just to get you started. He will have dual controls in the car so if you do anything dangerous he can immediately take over and stop you, then you can practice with OH?

Take it one step at a time. When you were a baby did you want to run before you could walk? No, you didn't even know the concept of running!

Also when you go for your theory test, again tell the people running the test that you are nervous and could have a panic attack - tell them it's unlikely but you're worried it may happen. Also the theory test is on a computer not pen and paper.

Put it this way.... if you were the instructor or the theory test examiner wouldn't you try to help nervous and anxious people? I'm sure you would.

Take it one step at a time.

Oh and by the way.... did you know you're allowed to have your instructor with you in the car when you take your practical test!!! He's not allowed to say anything, but if it helps keep you calm you can have him or her there! I did and that's 25 years ago! (Yea I know I'm old :D )

Now go for it!

30-03-08, 14:55
Hi Sam,

Your rationale for learning to drive is excellent.The only issue you have is the dreaded "what-ifs" which we all know and love!
Challenge the what-ifs:-
What if you do it well
What if you enjoy this experience
What if you study well,preparing properly for the theory test.
A bright future lies ahead for you.
Best wishes,

30-03-08, 15:07
Thanks everyone for your help. I just going to have to give it a try anyway, I'll not know what way it turns out until I try

30-03-08, 15:35
Hi Sam

If you do decide to have some driving lessons, which i hope you do:) , please look in the yellow pages as there are quite a few instructors that learn people to drive whom need to build thier confidence and that are nervous(they usually say in their advertisment), i had some lessons last year from a guy who specialilized in this and he was great. I havent been driving much though latley as i sold my car because of the expence, but i keep getting in my hubbys car and driving it locally.

Hope that helps

30-03-08, 19:13
Hi sam,Im totally the same.I have my own car sitting outside.A mini metro automatic.My partner was giving me lessons and he said I was very good.My mum used to love coming out on my lessons,she trusted me 100%.Then everything just went out the window.I lost all my confidence and my fear of panic ect has stopped me going out.Im scared of having lessons with an instructor,someone I dont know.
I would love to be able to drive,take my dog to the beach,take my mum shopping,be more independant.Im sure I would get out more if I could drive.Your not alone here.I really hope you can do it.:yesyes:
Im paying for car tax and insurance for nothing.Mind you my partner and dad use it if there cars are off the road,they love it as they both have jeeps and when they use mine its like driving a little racing car,they think there boy racers.
Sorry I cant offer any advise,I just wish I could go for it.:hugs:

01-04-08, 15:57
Hiya, i reckon you'll be so busy concentrating on your driving that you won't have time to think about anything else. Just think of all the places you'll be able to go without having to wait for those pesky buses and trains. Good luck and best wishes.

01-04-08, 19:33
Hiya, i reckon you'll be so busy concentrating on your driving that you won't have time to think about anything else. Just think of all the places you'll be able to go without having to wait for those pesky buses and trains. Good luck and best wishes.
Hi, yep I went out last night for my first time driving with my wife, and have to say it was great, I wasn't anxious at all, I loved it infact, sure my driving was something to be desired but its a start. As you say I was so busy concentrating I didn't have time to think of anything esle