View Full Version : new to this!

30-03-08, 11:10
Am new to this, but have realized that I have been suffering for a couple of years with health anxiety, I have been convinced that we are all going to die from bird flu, then have convinced myself of having throat cancer, stomach cancer, brain tumour, and now this week am convinced I have skin cancer. Have found a mole that looks as though it has been scratched with a scab on it,( and I can’t remember catching it), and now this morning after checking my whole body have found a few small red moles that I am convinced are new !!! HELP

30-03-08, 11:18
Your doc can refere you to a dermatologist if you ask him too, I had skin cancer that hadn't spread my mole was jet black and fairly wide in size.

30-03-08, 11:21
Have got an appointment with the nurse in the morning, but don't you ever feel that the surgery thinks that you are bonkers!!!

30-03-08, 12:59
hiya goingmad :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :D. as a health anx sufferer myself i know how you feel and how scared you can become. i have days where i think i have every cancer going, and my main one at the moment is throat cancer due to this lump in the throat feeling. you will get lots of support from all the great members here who understand how you feel, and you will make some great friends along the way. best wishes to you and take care . :hugs: :hugs: .

kellie .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

30-03-08, 13:26
Thanks Kellie, Its nice to have people to talk to about things! Just dreading going to the docs tomorrow, in case they say there is something wrong. I try to convince myself that everything will be fine, but then part of my head keeps telling me that they will tell me something really bad!! Really sorry that you are suffering at the moment too! I am sure that both of us will be fine. (my throat cancer turned out to be laringitus)!

30-03-08, 13:43
I'm sitting here going bonkers with worry just like you. When I'm not on antidepressants I just worry myself stupid about illness. At the moment I've got a swelling under my right armpit which the dr. has given me antibiotics for as I have had this in the past with an infected hair follicle and I have got pain in that area so recognise the signs. So thats the logical part of my message, the illogical part is saying but what if the swelling doesn't go down by Wednesday when the tablets are finished, i'm talking myself into all sorts of situations LOL. As for the lump in the throat I think I must have invented that one! Had it so many times, had camera down throat twice and been told theres nothing there and to get on with my life. It will definately go eventually when you relax, easy for me to say I know. Best wishes to all who are suffering.

30-03-08, 15:17
Hi Goingmad,

It would be a lot worse if you were to ignore what you have found.
That would only lead to more anxiety for you.
You are doing the right thing.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Hope this goes well.
Best wishes

30-03-08, 19:57
What does everyones lump in throat feel like mine is like a scratchy rough patch under adams apple Ive had it since christmas and its driving me insane......