View Full Version : lost sense of smell

30-03-08, 14:28
I have recently all of a sudden seemed to have lost my sense of smell,and now I am worried it is something sinister,as I haven't had a cold or even catarrh.
I can still breathe Ok through both nostrils,so no congestion. I may say that I sneeze a lot,and always have done and I need tissues beside me every morning when I first get up as then my nose is a bit runny.I am also having a lot of problems with my gut/stomach. I have a lot of pain and trapped wind no matter what I have eaten.This is sometimes like a stitch just below my shoulder blades,and a couple of times I have woken in the early hours with a burning pain in the middle,just under my rib cage and spreading through to my back It has been happening a few times over the past few months,and getting progressively worse and lasting longer each time.I went to the docs about the pain and she said it was probably because of the aspirin I take every day,and she gave me a drug called Omeprazole to take every morning,but the trapped wind feeling is there constantly.
I know its probably unrelated,but the loss of my sense of smell is worrying me much more than the pain in my guts,as I am worried about a brain tumour.
Can anyone please throw any light on this and any advice would be most welcome

30-03-08, 14:45
Hi Jean,

The only way to stop the worrying is to deal with this as you have dealt with other matters.Visit your doctor and have this thoroughly checked out.It may well be something that can be easily and quickly resolved.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
best wishes,