View Full Version : hello!...an introduction from a newie

30-03-08, 18:48
hello all

im a 27 year old 3rd year University degree student and my lifes been turned upside down by a recent episode of depression and anxiety. on first reflection it appeared to have come out of nowhere, but in hindsight my close familly and I have concluded that it was most likely triggered by a highly stessful life event (the completion of my dissertation). i also have a history of recurrent depression and anxiety going back 10 years.

although this may seem quite trivial it should be noted that i am not an academic, yet find myself-and i can only blame myself, enolled on the second most academic course available. During the completion of this paper i neglected myself totally, in favour of consistent and relentless 12 hour days in order to maintain my second class honours target.

a couple of weeks after submitting my paper i developed depression for the second time since beginning my course. i soon stopped going out, switched my phone off, began to miss lectures and found it increasingly difficult even to leave my room. when i did leave it was to get away, not just from my housemates (who are good friends), but from people altogether. eventually my situation became so serious that not only was i eating meals alone in my car, id also found staying in my own house too much to handle.

At that point i involved my long suffering parents and GP who has slowly begun increasing my medication (Escitalopram). i am now living at home having cancelled a course placement. i plan to stay for another month until my course resumes during which i have final assignments to complete. it is now unavoidable that i graduate late but i recognise that my recovery must take priority.

although i currently feel little difference in myself i.e. i still experience considerable anxiety in social situations (even in the presence of familly) i am now at least, living in an environment in which i have some hope of completing my course; and for that i feel very fortunate.

sorry for the rant, i hope others can empathise.

kind regards

30-03-08, 18:55
Hi and :welcome: you will get lots of support here and friendly advise.:hugs:

30-03-08, 20:03
Hi m190 and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. My panic attacks started at university too and it really is tough so give yourself credit for what you've already achieved.

Take care,

Mike :)

30-03-08, 20:11
Hi M190,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Having a supportive family network will certainly be of benefit to you as you begin your journey back to good health.
Best wishes,

30-03-08, 21:12
Hi M190

:welcome: to NMP

You'll find lots of support here.

Karen x

30-03-08, 22:11
Hi M190

Just wanted to :welcome: you aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

30-03-08, 23:17
hi and welcome

ju x

31-03-08, 00:33
Hi m190,

I can empathise totally with you, my panic attacks started last year during my final semester at uni so i can understand how hard it must have been for you with all the stress of uni life (its not all partying and having fun lol!!).
Whilst becoming agoraphobic and having anxiety every day i(somehow) managed to finish my degree with help from my tutors who were really supportive and deferred my exams so graduated later than everybody else in my class, so i can understand that must have been a really tough decision to make but i totally agree that your recovery must come first.
Dont worry, i have every confidence that you will complete your course. There were days for me where i would just look at my unfinished dissertation and panic and cry all day from the stress of trying to get it finished whilst trying to do other assignments, but in the end i came out with a 2:1 which i was really chuffed with. Anyway, i'll stop rambling! Good luck with your recovery.

31-03-08, 09:40
hi and a big welcome to NMP, you will find lots of advice and support here, I hope to see you in chat sometime

Emma xx

02-04-08, 18:35
just to say thank you. im totally overwhelmed by how many people replied jus to greet me
it means a lot
thanks again

06-04-08, 20:42

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

06-04-08, 23:28
Welcome to the site :D

07-04-08, 09:05
Hi M190

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

07-04-08, 23:29
Hellom190 And Welcome.......i Wish Ya Well..........linda

08-04-08, 20:29
Hi there.

My panic attacks really struck when I was doing my degree, and my main tutor was great about it, as were the university.

Although it might seem like an uphill struggle I'm sure with the help of your family, your university, but most importantly YOU that you can achieve everything you are hoping too. Good luck.