View Full Version : Panic & Fear seeing others panicing / ill

23-03-05, 14:15
Just wondered if anyone else has this problem...

Im not sure if its a phobia or fear....Im slightly agrophobic and so have been feeling very faint when I go out.

Im esp bad going to hospitals etc and cant even go near A&E without passing out - because I know people in there are ill and suffering.

I hate seeing ambulances if they're stopped and dealing with someone. I feel short of breath and like im gonna pass out.

One strange thing happend last nite which hasnt before - I was watching ' Supersize Kids' On channel 4, and the ops made me feel a lil queesy (soi always look away) but this wasnt what bothered me...the thing which made me ill was seeing one of the girls come round from the op and be short of breath and start panicing, and her mum was telling her to calm down.

This made me feel short of breath very dizzy, hot, fats heart beat and as though i was gonna pass out. I managed to control it after about 15mins but was left feeling really drained.

Anyone else like this at all?!

Tatty B xx

23-03-05, 15:50
Hi Tattyb

I get this loads too, if i hear a siren i have to try really hard to focus on something else as it is a big reminder of sudden horrible illness and pain, same with a&e, hospitals and anywhere that people are ill, I will get through it but at some point later in the day I will explode. I can watch operations on tv no problem, and i'm not squeemish with sick or pooh, its just seeing illness and pain that does me, I was in hospital once and a woman had a seisure oposite me, I started screaming and put my head under the pillow, covered my ears and tried to block it out, for a year after that I was convinced that i would have a fit. Then a few years later i saw a woman collapse in an indoor shopping centre, low and behold i get a phobia of being in indoor shopping centres. I cant watch ER or holby or casualty, it always ends in tears. I would imagine a lot of panickers get like this too.

23-03-05, 16:25
hi Tattybear,

I get the same thing. Our mind doesn't want to see others panicking or suffering from an illness because it reminds us of when we do.

Sarah :D

23-03-05, 18:01
Hi Tattybear (great name[^])


I don't even like it when the kids are running around the garden, they come in breathless and after a minute I can match them!!!

A funny thing, when I was in labour with Chynna (now 13) they had the baby heart monitor on and my heart raced to match the speed of hers. I had to beg them to turn the sound down (they refused) and they just kept saying Angie you need to relax and calm down your heart rate is too fast, NO S!XT - turn the monitor off!!!!!!!

When I had Millie they actually had a silent one and said that it is really common for people to raise their pulse to match what they are hearing. So not uncommon at all.

Bizarre things us human beings[8D]

23-03-05, 18:22
Im glad im not the only one who gets this them ...not that im glad any one else does...but im glad im not alone panicing about these kinds of things and situations!

Spacecadet....I hope all goes well with your op? have you got to stay in hospital long after ? Im sure it will all go well...

Im on a waiting list for an MRI scan which im really really scared about! I had a balance test which showed somting wrong in my inner ear ( ive had dizzynes for a few years now) and also my thyroid is enlarged...but i suppose if it was anything major i wouldnt be on a waiting list ?! (she tells herself!!)[V]

I have to go to the docs tomorrow for a check up and alreday im panicing about if i have to wait long but its silly as i know the more i think about the worse i will be tomorrow!!!

I think our minds should have definatly come with an on / off switch!! [8D]

Tatty B xx

23-03-05, 21:58
Hi tattybear,

I know what you mean about sirens, I live in a city so there are always sirens going. Everytime I go out I hear them and they make me panicky, I just have to try to ignore them but it's really hard. If I'm out walking alone I listen to music on head phones as a way of avoiding the sirens. You're not alone, hope you get on ok at the doctors tomorrow.


23-03-05, 22:37
Hi Tatty

You are not alone in feeling like that, when i was at my worst, although not worrying about illness i wouldnt watch the news or anything that discussed bad people as i thought what if i lose it and become one of them.

It mirrors how we are feeling.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.