View Full Version : What are your biggest worries

30-03-08, 20:49
Mine are defintely something wrong with my heart or a stroke and anything to do with my pancreas. I had pancreatitis once and I did not realize that it can be life threatening and it was something I just randomly got.

Other than that I dont tend to fear cancer that much unless I think I feel a lump, I used to fear MS because of flashing lights in my eyes and major brisk reflexes but since I still have all that and I am still alive I have not worried so much

30-03-08, 21:07
Well mine are heart and stroke too.

Even after loads of tests done i still worry on a daily basis.:weep:

30-03-08, 21:40
the c word..............................:wacko:

always scared
31-03-08, 02:30
Cancer!!!!! :wacko:

31-03-08, 08:28
Mine's cancer too :weep:

31-03-08, 08:48
Mine is my heart, get scared all the time, worried i will drop down dead or something :-(

31-03-08, 13:29
my heart stopping every day

31-03-08, 13:37
Brain tumour.....dying long painful death

31-03-08, 14:12
my biggest worry is heart and stroke

tayside lassie
31-03-08, 14:42
hiya ...mine is dying..heart attack..heart failure .stroke ...uncontrollable b.p..to name a few ....any of the above happening i public .


31-03-08, 19:32
Hi, mine are, brain tumor, stroke, heart attack,and going to sleep and not waking up.:flowers:

31-03-08, 23:58
mine is sudden death syndrome, heart attack and stroke or brain haemarrage(sp) aneurism (and surviving and being left severely disabled and then a burden on my hubby, friends and family)

a friend of mine had a colleague die on her last week, at work , its got me terrified, this lady had gone for lunch and was fine, never complained of a headache or feeling unwell and then whilst serving a customer she passed out and died - a brain haemorrage !! i also worry that if i had a heart attack etc would the ambulance get to me in time.

01-04-08, 00:07
Hi shouldn't be posting on here really as don't have any form of health anxiety, but i do feel sorry for people that have :(
All those things you mention i have no fear of, even death itself, but on alot of days show me my front door and it rears up like a great big white tombstone and i just can't open it.
All these phobias agoraphobia, health phobia etc or whatever you wish to call them are just all so so strange, So relative to that person.
luv Richie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

01-04-08, 09:10
Cancer - breast, throat or lung. Mainly because they are the things I'm at highest risk of due to having smoked and being female.

Anything else I can usually rationalise myself out of quickly enough due to complete lack of risk factors

01-04-08, 17:31
mines r heart attack and brain tumor stroke dyin the list goes on x

01-04-08, 21:32
The big C

02-04-08, 05:24
dying is my main thing and cancer is always up there.. stroke as well :(

02-04-08, 11:31
Definately, definately the 'C' word.