View Full Version : I just don't know how much more I can take

31-03-08, 02:27
I told you about the pre cancer last month. The treatment was provera for five days (5mg) and then on the fifth day of that cycle start the birthcontrol for three months and come back for another biopsy.

Well I am bleeding so much right now. I am so weak. I was at the hospital yesterday they gave me premerin by intervenous. Then sent me home still bleeding and said continue at home. The bleeding has slowed to like half but it still heavy. I am so scared I am going to bleed to death in my sleep!!! I woke up yesterday SOAKED with blood. It did not stop and I had to go to the hospital. I am so scared! I feel so weak. The medical system here sucks. I am taking 2.5 mg of Premerin 4 times a day. I have been taking it for 24 hours and I am still bleeding quite a bit. I am scared of being put to sleep. I am a bag of nerves. I can't stop crying!

This is on top of two weeks ago I got strep throat and then my throat got ulcers and my tongue. They are still not healed. Now this. My boys got the strep too and have been home over a week from school.

My anxiety is at an all time high. NEVER been this high. I am sooooooooooooooooo scared I can barely function. I think I am in the process of dying and I don't want to I am so scared!!!

Please pray for me. I feel so down and weak

Thanks for listening me whine

31-03-08, 07:55
Im not surprised you are anxious...poor you! Is there a nurse or someone at the hospital you can speak to ? Try and force yourself to relax ....do a full body relaxation..use a computer aided one if necessary ( see Susan Castles site for a free " 5 minute vacation" that might help. I am praying for you now sweetie you are not alone xxx