View Full Version : The BEST therapy?

31-03-08, 02:33
I know some may disagree with this and say it's soppy but it's what I feel!

When we're young, when we feel terrified, what do we do? We turn to our parents for comfort, reassurance and support to make us feel safe once more.

Sometimes though, for some people that comfort was never there so all through their lives they've felt abandoned and unloved.

Sometimes receiving comfort can have an opposite effect because a simple hug can make us feel trapped so we feel we need to break free.

When we're older and we experience fear, we turn to therapies to help us come to terms with the comfort and reassurance we never had.

Some people have total confidence in themselves so never know what anxiety feels like........or do they? What about those who feel alone and are very depressed?.......Hmm, loneliness.

Yes, we need to be strong to stand on our own 2 feet but then why is it our natural instinct is to find a partner and settle down? Hmm...loneliness?

So what is it we ALL need whether we're confident or insecure......?

Yep, you've guessed it.......to feel LOVED!

Isn't that more powerful than any therapy that can be offered???

So if people think I'm soppy then so be it but I feel if we all loved and cared about each other more, they'd be less anxiety in the world! What heals emotional pain more and gives more purpose to life???:shrug:

When my father was in the hospice and my mother came in terrified because of what the doctors had told her about my father, she burst into tears and couldn't stop crying. My father looked at me not knowing what to do. There was only one thing he could do..........hug her!

The doctors could have prescribed her a sedative but like her, I'd rather have hugs than pills!:bighug1: