View Full Version : Terrified today - Please Help

31-03-08, 08:30

Well I was doing so well, have had a few negative moments, but not to bad. Last night I went upstairs for a bath, my heart was beating fast, I had a bath - palpitations continued all through out when I was in bath. Then I got out, stood up and my heart was still beating fast.

I have barely slept all night, having weird vivid dreams. Woke up this morning absolutely sick with anxiety.

Also I went for a bike ride, after I got off my bike I felt dizzy. So scared, I want to get back into exercise, but now I am frightened in case I get dizzy again.

I hate this!


31-03-08, 15:35
Anxiety can cause you to feel as if your heart is racing (and so can dipping in hot water :)) and if you are exercising in such highly anxious state, then you won't be breathing properly and that could cause you to feel dizzy when you stopped cycling.

Perhaps you could try a gentler form of exercise until you feel confident again? Maybe try yoga or walking or pilates?


31-03-08, 15:56
((((((((((((( Emira )))))))))))) :flowers:

Hun if i went for a bike ride, i'd need bloomin oxygen nevermind being a bit dizzy :winks:.

I think it's there and you are feeling this way because you are conscious of it all the time and it's turning into a viscious circle.

I know it's really really hard but you got to try to ignore it.

PS. Wish i could take my own advice lol

love Lisa

31-03-08, 21:34
You could have been a bit dehydrated after your bike ride I was getting dizzy last year after I started going to the gym through not drinking enough.

01-04-08, 08:01
Hey Guys

Thanks for your replies. It turns out I was not cooling down properly, so my blood pressure was dropping low.

I have chilled a bit - for now!
