View Full Version : wont i ever learn about booze?

31-03-08, 10:28
hi all,
when will i eva learn about drinking to much,, ive always been a drinker, i like my wine of an eve etc which im fine with! but when i go out i just go mad! i always say to my fella please lets just go 4 a meal then come home!! but i just cant stop when im out!! half the time doin things i really really regret, and cant even remember half the time!! ive got a lovely fella and 2 gorgeous kids,so dont know y im like this!! the panic and anxiety is horrendous for days after,, had a major nte on sat and im still bad today,,wish i could stop drinking full stop really but know i cant!! its a catch 69 ne advice please?? i dont want to stop goin out as not fair on my oh!! and enjoy my meals out with girls from work!! hate myself xx:weep:

31-03-08, 10:44
Hi Bexy Im just the same as you monday mornings are a nightmare for me, because i will have always drank to much over the weekend, does this stop me NO come this evening i'll be drinking again its just a vicious circle for me, I drink cos I feel bad then regret it lol

maybe we can learn together

love Emma xx

31-03-08, 10:59
Hello both of you, yep can commiserate, went out to a party on Sat night, getting back at 3am and by this time we had all drunk far too much especially me cause as we all know it's a relaxant and its tempting when drinks are flowing as well.
But not only do you get a hangover but can end up doing and thinking the most stupid of things
worse is if you are on medication as well.
But i guess we have all done this quite a few times over
and lived to really regret it.:blush:
It's very difficult very much agree:mad:
Richie x x

31-03-08, 11:12
I have the same problem. Not doing mad things, but I can drink like it's going out of fashion, and still feel fine, then pay for it the next day with higher anxiety. Monday's are particuarly bad.

Ironically, the only time I did not drink much was when my anxiety was at it's highest.

I can go through 3 bottles of wine and lagers on top from Friday to Sunday, quite easy, and I can't remember the last time I went without a drink for a week.

I don't worry about not remembering, or doing something silly, as I never feel that drunk, but in the back of my mind I do wonder if I am drinking far too much for it to be detrimental to my health.

Do I need a drink? well I never drink during the day, I like to drink while cooking, or just relaxing at home, and I have never thought "god I need a drink to get through this". I actually like to have my wits about me if I have a problem.

Can I stop drinking? now that is a big question

31-03-08, 11:31
As some of you who know me will tell you, when I first joined this site last year I was a big drinker, and had been for a number of years. I was drinking on average 2 bottles of wine a night, sometimes 3 (if it was in the house i would drink it) I can SO relate to what you are saying about the "not knowing when to stop". i was notorious for it-I was the person who would drink everyone under the table, whether I was out in pubs or in the house.

The first ever panic attack happened after a night of heavy drinking (from 6pm to 6am roughly) and after no sleep I went to my mum's for sunday dinner. Basically I thought I was dying and she rang an ambulance. The operator said it was a panic attack and to give me the obligatory paper bag and send me to bed. Ever since then, I noticed that I was having panic attacks every day near enough.

What a lot of people dont know is that when you drink, overnight the alcohol turns to sugar in your body, so when you get up, you have a massive "sugar rush" which mimics the signs of panic, and would therefore make me believe it was a panic attack. vicious circle i know. So I drank to relax and get some respite from it for a few hours, only to pay for it the whole of the next day.

This level of drinking continued for 5/6 years, until last year, i was rushed into A&E at 8am with a suspected heart attack. needless to say it was a huge panic attack (after a week of seriously heavy drinking, stress and not enough sleep-i found 22 empty bottles in my recycling bin) The doctor in A&E asked if I had been drinking or had taken any drugs. yes to the drinking no to the drugs and they told me just how much worse drinking makes anxiety and panic. since then i cut down on my drinking and if i felt i couldnt go a night without a drink in my hand i'd either have non alcohol becks (which is really nice) or have wine and soda. like i said this was last year (7/7/07 to be exact!) and at this moment in time i havent had a drink for 5 weeks and 6 days. i have realised that it makes my panic worse-i know this-so i thought instead of filling myself with ,medications or using counselling, desperately trying to find a solution to this illness and trying anything that may help, i just stopped drinking.

now dont get me wrong, i still have GAD and panic disorder, but I find that I can deal with it a whole lot beter since i have stopped drinking. I really started to see a difference when i cut down and not it is so much better. And I have to be homnest with you, stopping drinking has been the hardest thing I ever did and i sincerely mean that, but i'm so glad i did. I know I will drink again one day, I know I wont spend the rest of my life tee-total but up to now I know this is the best thing for me to do. I have also stopped smoking (6 weeks ago) i'm not sure if this has helped with the anxiety but i'm glad I packed in for my own health.

i know this is getting away from your initial thread Bex, but just try to cut down. I used to be mortified when i'd get a text the next morning from someone teling me what a t**t i'd made of myself (i've had videos taken as well as pictures of me doing horrendouos stuff) none of which I could remember so my advice is to try to cut down a bit...if only to save a red face the next morning!!

good luck and dont be too hard on yourself-but just remember that it is proven to make your anx worse

lou xxx

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31-03-08, 11:59
HI there lou thanx for that, only drink when i go out somewhere but its binge drinking, once started no stopping!!!:foot:
Think it's great that you have given up and also the ciggies.
Fortunately have never smoked so at least that's one less prob!! But it must be real hard to give up on those x
Can really relate to the "texts" the next morning !!:blush: :blush:
and the realisation just what you've done.
Am right now still trying to fix the damage from sat night !!!!!!!!! and have prob lost my two closest friends!!!!!!!!!!
Richie xxxx :sofa:

31-03-08, 16:59
i know how ya feel bexy was there 15 yrs ago when i did drink i didnt know when to stop.....i guess cause when i did drink back then i felt no fear ect........till the next day wammy 100 x took a few yrs to realize this and make the decision it wasnt worth it anymore.....so i can say now im recovered agraphobia can work full time and have just as much fun with out a drink hard at times yes but it blows over........i still get the anxiety here and there but its so much easier to deal with once you decide to give it up 100% thats my opinion anyways.....i wish ya luck on this hard but can be done ............linda xxxx

01-04-08, 18:15
hey i know exactly how u feel. i suffered yesterday, through drinking, and i just felt awful, but why should we deprive ourselves of something that we enjoy. we shouldnt let the anxiety stop us from living, what is the worst that can happen really?? i usually drink a pint of water before bed when i remember, and the next day i keep my selfhelp books handy and drink plenty of orange juice for vitamin c!! hope this helps x

01-04-08, 18:36
Yup GUILTY.....I Know how you feel too Bexy. I like my few cans of lager of an evening but like Jaco, i NEVER get drunk. I know i should cut down too and i have to a certain extent.

It's so easy to drink too much and loose track of what your doing. The key would defo be to cut down a bit when you are out, try to pace yourself, maybe have 2 drinks and then a juice or something soft.

I think we have all been in the postition of over doing the demon drink when out, i know i certainly have in the past, infact more times than i care to remember.

Don't beat yourself up over this, just be conscious next time you are out to cut back a wee bit.

Take care

Love Lisa
xxxxxx :flowers:

02-04-08, 10:16
thanks everyone glad im not on my own.. im beginning to worry every time i go out, which isnt very often!! always start with good intentions!!! then all goes to pot!! xxx goin to try and really cut down, have done a new post for ne tips and advice. goin to try the becks thing xx