View Full Version : Dont know what to do?

31-03-08, 14:37
I have just been informed by my landlord that the house that i rent is going to be put up for sale. I have lived here for nearly five years, and rent it from a friend of the family. I can understand why he has to sell the house,

The problem is that the house was my safe area, and the thought of moving has sent my anxiety thought the roof.

The problem i have is this, i am on the council list, but only a band 3 at the moment, so althought i am bidding i am getting nowhere, I am going to have to tell the housing benefit and council about my situation and the fact that in a few month time i will be homeless, the problem is that i have to go in to the council offices to speak to someone, but i suffer from panic attacks and social anxiety. making it very hard to do this.

So would you either write or email the council and explain the situation and that i find visiting the council office very hard and that i suffer from the above.

I need to sort something out as the thought of being homeless with 2 young children is enought to bring on anyones anxiety.

What would you do if in this situation?

31-03-08, 15:08
Hello Shinney
That an awful situation to be in, so sorry :hugs: :hugs: you could write e-mail would be quicker and possibly get a faster response
How about phoning them ? would you feel comfortable doing this?
Maybe you could write down all that you want to say beforehand especially the main points eg that you and your children will be homeless soon, please can they help you
Or of course there is always the CAB who could advice you, and give you some useful telphone numbers addresses etc
Hope you will be able to sort the situation soon as it must be making you feel really anxious
Richie x x x

31-03-08, 16:49
Hello shinney, really sorry to hear about your situatin. I agree with what Richie has said. Also, not sure what you're like on the phone, how about phoning the council offices explaining about your anxiety first, then your homeless situation and see if they can send someone out to see you? Some councils are very helpful that way. Failing that, write them a longgggggg letter saying the same thing.

Citizens Advice have a disability officer, if I remember rightly, and they definately can send someone round to see you if you're okay with that.

Another thing - I don't know how understanding your doctor is but if you can get them on your side that can help with housing too.

I think the hardest part for you will be making that first contact but I'm pretty sure you'll get some help - this also might help you to move further up the waiting list.

Hope all goes well for you and let us know how you get on eh?

Wendy xxxxx

31-03-08, 16:52
sorry to hear about that shinney been there where the lanlord sold on me many yrs back at my worst time of agraphobia not good with changes but you will adapt and as richie says i think you should call them and explain ya situations dont they help find you a place ........i wish ya much luck keep ya chin up..........linda xx