View Full Version : i have health anxiety but have illnesses too

31-03-08, 18:06
hi i'm bluebell.. i dont know if i'm in the right place as i am ill..i have m.e., autoimmune hypothyroid ( im on t3 and t4), low estrogen, low progesterone, high fsh, which is indicating premature manopause, according to the endo.

I am so anxious about my health as i have so many symptoms, and i am constasntly feeling like im dying.
however i also have mental health probs.. ptsd, bpd so my symptoms are often being blamed on my mental health.

i'm just so scared about my health but i do have bad anxiety too

31-03-08, 18:26
Hi there,

Firstly, WELCOME aboard!! yeah your in the right place hun.

Anxiety is bad enough on it's own but when you have the added worry of health anxiety on top of that, it can be very overbearing at times. As a sufferer myself, i understand how difficult it can be.

I hope you find the site helpfull and make lots of lovely new friends too.

Best of luck


31-03-08, 18:43
hi Bluebellgirl

welcome To Nomorepanic-you'll Find Loads Of Helpful Threads And Posts On The Forum And Get Loads Of Support From Us All.

i'm In A Similar Potition To You-everything Gets Blamed On "my Mental Health Issues" But I Have Serious Health Anxiety Too And I Hate All Of My Symptoms Being Discounted Due To That.

pop Into The Chatroom For A Bit Of A Giggle And Some Friendly Chat.

lou Xxxxxxx

31-03-08, 18:46
Hiya Bluebell,
sorry that you seem a little overburdened at the moment, have a good browse on the forums and go into the chatrooms, we are all friends here, there are lots of nice people whom are very supportive, even if you have a symtom that you think is the most bizarre thing in the world there will be someone on here who can reassure you, I have only been a member for about a month, and I find the people an absolute godsend,

Lots of love and good luck

31-03-08, 22:34
thanks guys

01-04-08, 08:35
Hey bluebell

This forum and the chat room, plus all the advice on here as been my saviour. As I felt so alone.
I cannot imagine how you must feel, having illness's as well as the anxiety issues etc....

Great people on here, so keep talking, we all support one another
