View Full Version : Just joined today, hello!

31-03-08, 18:56
I just joined today, have had anxiety on and off for 2 years, I think its since I started my business. For the last 2 months I have constant anxiety from when I wake up to when I go to sleep, and sometimes what i think are panic attacks.

I am also staying in ALOT, avoiding going out, making excuses etc Every noise is like a gunshot sometimes, its yuk, hope to get better soon so it doesnt take over my life totally, also here to give help and support to other ppl who need it.
I am kind and caring, and just want my life back, im 28 and wasting my life...

Heres to getting better!:yesyes:

31-03-08, 19:26
Welcome to the site, I think you'll find it helpfull

Take care and get better soon


31-03-08, 19:43
Hi and welcome :)


31-03-08, 20:21
Hiya and welcome along. See ya round the site!

Lynne x

31-03-08, 20:24
Hi Gracie, its horrible aint it. have u tried an SSRI antidepressant, they take the edge off the panic. Good luck from Samsara:D

31-03-08, 20:25
hello Gracie x
:flowers: :flowers: :welcome: :flowers: nope you musn't waste your life at 28 but sometimes have to come to terms with way things are at he moment.
You sound very positive though so thats good to be :) :)
Luv and take care Richie

31-03-08, 20:36

welcome to no more panic :hugs:

jodie xx

31-03-08, 20:39
hiya gracie :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :D . you will get lots of support and advice from all the great members. dont forget to visit the chat room where you can talk to us all and have a giggle as well.

best wishes

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

kellie .xxxxxxxx

31-03-08, 21:15
Hi Gracie

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Have a good read of the website pages to see if you can get some advice and tips from there as well.

31-03-08, 21:42
Hi Graciecutey and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. You're definitely not wasting your life as starting up your own business shows. It is horrid to feel anxious all the time though and I really sympathise. I find setting some time aside to do a relaxing hobby can help as it gives me a chance to get away from any stress.

Take care,

Mike :)

31-03-08, 22:28
hello and welcome

ju x

01-04-08, 01:55
Hello Gracie And Welcome......i Wish Ya Well.........linda

01-04-08, 11:20

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

take care

Trac xxx

01-04-08, 12:39
Hi Gracie

Welcome to NMP hun :)

Jo xxxxx

01-04-08, 12:51
:welcome: hi gracie, you are not wasting your life! you are suffering chronic anxiety brought on by stress - this is how/why it happens - you can learn how to deal with it and what it is and you can recover without losing yourself:yesyes: believe me you are so new to it that it needs not have an impact on your life or behaviour - id read all the info on here then look at self-help books, go to sites like NOPANIC and NATIONALPHOBICSSOCIETY - get lots of info and find what works for you - anxiety is natural, you are not alone and you are not weird and your life can and will go on, take care emma:flowers:

01-04-08, 15:19
hi and a big welcome to NMP, you will find lots of advice and support here, I hope to see you in chat sometime

Emma xx

02-04-08, 01:07
Just to say thanks so much for your very helpful, thoughtful messages, I appreciate you taking the time to give advice. Take Care & Thanks xx

02-04-08, 05:18
Welcome to the site :D

02-04-08, 06:48
Hi Graciecutey,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Starting your own business can be very daunting and stress-inducing.Hopefully,you will learn some great coping mechanisms here.
Best wishes,