View Full Version : My Update

31-03-08, 18:58
Hey all. Its been a while since I've been on so just thought I'd update you all on my situation.

Just a brief recap, I have suffered panic attacks since I was at school (i'm 31 now) but in Aug 06 they became really bad again, mostly when driving.

I started seeing a hypnotherapist who gave me a few techniques for dealing with it which I practiced but at £35 an appointment they became too expensive for me to continue so I stopped going last September.

I feel a lot better these days. Life is back to some sort of normality again, however I still have not driven on a motorway for over 2 years now which can become problematic. Before I couldnt face driving on any roads, however I'm fine on all roads now. I will be taking the plunge soon though and getting myself back on them.

31-03-08, 19:45
Hi there..
Good to read that you are doing better.


31-03-08, 23:41

Thankyou for your update, so pleased to hear things have gone well for you,:yesyes: , WELL DONE for all you have achieved, im sure you will be driving up that motorway very soon, you seem real positive about things. You keep up the good work hun.:)


01-04-08, 00:15
hi there, i hope you dont mind me replying, its good to hear that you have made progress and working things through to a positive outcome.
I can relate to the motorway driving.....i passed my test some 18 years ago and until my panic was at its height i could buzz about on motorways with the best of them..............nowadays i am fine on motorway routes i am familiar with but put me on an unfamiliar motorway and i freak out !!