View Full Version : Appendix out 6 days ago

31-03-08, 19:40
For a health anxiety freak this was all my nightmares rolled into one. There were two nasty bugs doing the rounds of the hospital - a stomach bug and a throat bug with bad cough - I got the cough.

Because my appendix was not infected just badly scarred the surgeon decided to open me up properly to look for anything else and he sure did and had a good rummage around, I have a 5 inch wound. good news was all else was well and he was very graphic about where he had looked!!

I managed to get through the post op sickness and getting your bladder and bowel to function. I even finally realised that the evil pins and needles and clenching feeling around and above wound where it is numb was becasue of dmamged nerves.

Because nurses are not allowed to help you get out of bed in pushing myself up with my arms I have wrenched my upper back as well as catching the coughing/throat virus.hohoho.

I have hiatus hernia and all the sickness and acid after the op has left me with sore spot somewhere down my gullet so it hurts when I eat or drink but told it will get better slowly.

I thought I was doing well with my panicking but today which is less than week since op I did too much like went to Dr appt and walked into pharmacy for presc and when I got home my heart was racing and banging away.

My husband says its just because I am weak and post op but of course I am convinced the aneathesia or the throat virus has damamged my heart!

I was so pleased with myself that I hadn't major freakout thorugh all this and now this has happened and I'm back to panic mode.

31-03-08, 20:33
Yikes! I'm not surprised, frankly - I think even non anxious people find themselves a little worked up when they are recovering from an operation!

Well done you for getting through it all. Have they put you on any antibiotics? Sometimes they do to stop any infection - if so, this will kill any heart bugs.

They will have monitored you closely during and after the op - any heart problems from the anaesthetic will have shown up then, I am sure.

Take it easy - if you need to go to docs, try phoning and asking them if they will speak to you over the phone, rather than having to go in.

Hope you feel better soon - as a matter of interest, what led to you having your appendix out?! At least the horrible festering thing is out of you now!


31-03-08, 21:53
Hiya hun,

Awwwwwww you got to give yourself time to recover! it's only natural you feel this way as you been through a damn lot and i take me hat off to you for that.

You have plenty of rest, good food and relaxation and you be good as new in no time!!

Take care

Lots of love
xxxxxxxxx :flowers:

31-03-08, 22:31
The reason they took out my appendix was that I had been admitted to hospital prev week with agonising pain to right of navel like a knife twisting that lasted a couple of days but my blood tests were not showing any sign of infection so they didn't think it was appendix. The pain stopped as suddenly as it started and I went home but was told if it came back they would remove appendix just to eliminate it. 4 days later pain back worse than ever in same place, by time I got to hospital and waited hours in casualty the pain went again but same consultant decided to take appendix out anyway.

As i said I didn't have infected appendix at all but it was very very long and badly scarred so some problem was going on. Because I didn't have any infection I only had intravenous antibiotics for 24 hrs or 4 doses to kill off any possible post op infection.

When my son had his appendix out 8 yers ago they didn't give him antibiotics at all!

Because my appendiz wasnt infected the surgeon decided to look at everything in me hoho! to check which was a good thing except it meant a much bigger op than normal appendectomy.

31-03-08, 22:58
sweety you been through the mill and i so hope your taking it easy! please let us know how you are!?



01-04-08, 08:32
Well I just wanted to say I think with the multitude of everything going on, you seem to have coped really well.
And like it was said before even the non anxious would be anxious.

Be kind to yourself, your body has been through alot, and time is the healer there.
The anaesthetic would have caused problems there and then I would imagine. Your body is now just going through a period of recovery.

Lots of bed rest, I hope everyone is waiting on you hand and foot.

Get better soon!


01-04-08, 09:53
Hi Countrygirl,

Just wanted to say that i think you are really brave. Appendicitis is a major fear of mine. I suffer from IBS and every time i get a pain on right hand side i freak and think "this is it"!
At least now you don't have to worry about appendicitis anymore, plus you have been thoroughly checked out.

Take care,