View Full Version : Sleeping Tablets.

31-03-08, 23:06
I currently take sleeping tablets and have been for a while now.

My concern at the moment is will it be safe to take one tomorrow night? as i am going into hospital on wed for my shoulder op.
I am having a general anaesthetic and was wondering would the anaesthetic have any affect to me with taking the sleeping pill the night before.

Must admit i am vert scared now.


31-03-08, 23:09

Might be worth giving NHS Direct a call just to make sure? All will be fine with the shoulder op and hope you will soon be 100% again.

31-03-08, 23:12
Personally I wouldn't take one just in case

31-03-08, 23:13
Hi Liz,
it is scary going under general anaesthetic, but when you wake up you wonder why you were so scared in the first place
Its always best to tell the anaesthtist what medication you are on.
They should ask you beforehand anyway. But if they don't then tell them you had a sleeping pill.
Everything will be fine but it might be a good idea to skip the pills tonight?
Hope all goes well with the op tomorrow
Love Richie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx