View Full Version : In the still of the night...........

31-03-08, 23:51
ok , so the last few weeks i have been waking up in the early hours of the morning with my heart racing, sweating, takes ages to figure out where i am etc etc . Its like a sudden state of alarm - all senses heightened and it takes me ages to calm down and get back to sleep - which then has a knock on effect of my ability to cope during the day. I have been having a bath before bed and on the whole feel very relaxed when going to bed but regardless i still wake up some 2 or 3 hours later in a total state of panic. Its just that feeling that you are the only person in the world who is awake and panicking whilst the rest of the world sleeps :weep:

Ali in NY
01-04-08, 00:01
Minihaha, Good thing for time differences. We're still up and about in NY. You aren't alone. I'm sitting at work trying to leave, but had a panic attack and don't want to get on the subway to go home.

Only recently have I had the night panic attacks and they are particularly distressing because it is so quiet and lonely. I found I have to get up and go to the living room to fall asleep to terrible 3-in-the-morning television programs, but it helps in the short term. Long term, I think therapy is necessary. Is that an option for you? Are you already seeing someone?

I hope you are able to sleep and that I can get home soon!

01-04-08, 00:04
hi there, well i hope things ease off and you can take the journey home xx

i have seen a counsellor recently and am trying to employ all the tactics i can to avoid the night panics happening - i seem to be doing all i can to avoid the day attacks and then wham bam they get me in the middle of the night.

01-04-08, 07:47
Hi Minihaha, I have been going through the same thing and have been reading book with these tips.
If you wake up during the early hours rather than lie in bed feeling anxious get up.Sit down somewhere quietly and face the panic rather than fight it.Think about all the symptoms, racing heartbeat, feeling sick ete etc and accept them for what they are-just feelings.
If you try and fight against the fear your body will pump out even more adrenaline and the symptoms will escalate!
This sounds easy but will take a bit of practise.Once you learn to face the fear and accept the sympoms your body will calm down-I've tried it and it does work. They also suggest that you 'float' through the fear and that's the bit I'm having the most trouble with but I am trying.
Hope this helps, take care, Bubble x

Rachey poos
02-04-08, 00:12
i get them real bad...its only after i have been asleep for about an hr and wham........... ping...heart racing like mad and red hot....every single bloody night.... i get scared to shut me eyes! http://rachelhughesdiary.blogspot.com/2008/01/panic-attack-again-in-night.html read my blog for night panic stories! im knackered and sick of em cos thet are so intruding!

02-04-08, 02:31
Minihaha, Good thing for time differences. We're still up and about in NY. You aren't alone. I'm sitting at work trying to leave, but had a panic attack and don't want to get on the subway to go home.

Only recently have I had the night panic attacks and they are particularly distressing because it is so quiet and lonely. I found I have to get up and go to the living room to fall asleep to terrible 3-in-the-morning television programs, but it helps in the short term. Long term, I think therapy is necessary. Is that an option for you? Are you already seeing someone?

I hope you are able to sleep and that I can get home soon!

hi there

i too suffer with panic attacks and am coming to new york from london on monday, im absoluely scared, is there any areas i need to avoid?

im staying really central, near grand central station

02-04-08, 21:27
Hi Minihaha, I have been going through the same thing and have been reading book with these tips.
If you wake up during the early hours rather than lie in bed feeling anxious get up.Sit down somewhere quietly and face the panic rather than fight it.Think about all the symptoms, racing heartbeat, feeling sick ete etc and accept them for what they are-just feelings.
If you try and fight against the fear your body will pump out even more adrenaline and the symptoms will escalate!
This sounds easy but will take a bit of practise.Once you learn to face the fear and accept the sympoms your body will calm down-I've tried it and it does work. They also suggest that you 'float' through the fear and that's the bit I'm having the most trouble with but I am trying.
Hope this helps, take care, Bubble x

thanks v much bubble for your reply and the tips you have offered - i think you are spot on with the facing the panic tactic - its just as you know things seem 100 times worse at night and you feel very alone and vulnerable - i am also very conscious of disturbing my hubby aswell. The last few nights have been ok funnily enough so i hope that things will ease off and should i get spooked again i will defo take your advice of getting out of bed rather than lying there and letting the panic consume me. Thanks again xxx:)

03-04-08, 00:29

I find getting up making amug of hot milk and laying in a darkend room with the telly on allows me to drift off to sleep. I would love to invent something that could detect the start of the night panics and play a soothing hypnotic relaxing tape..Also just think that thousands of other people in the world are also up with a panic attack also. tis sometimes helps with the isolation.


03-04-08, 09:22
You are a very naughty person Minihaha! Your title "In the still of the night....." has had me singing the Spiderman tune from the 1960's.

Argh can't get it out of my head now!! See what you've done!


It's actually "In the chill of the night" but I thought it was the other words.

Still got me singing it.

Thought that would give you a laugh!!! Cheer you up

06-04-08, 16:16

I also suffer occasionally of waking in the night and my heart feels like its beating all over the place, fast, missing lots of beats and its really scary. Not sure why this happens but I read before I go to bed and then feel quite relaxed, but when it happens it then worries me when I go to bed the next night, I hate feeling my heart is beating all over the place and when I lay down I can feel it thumping away against my bed!! Its awful and very scary. I try and take deep breaths and hope it goes away, last night I took some night nurse to knock me out!

You are not alone in the middle of the night....


Rachey poos
06-04-08, 23:21
PETMAD... you sound just like me! read my blog and see the foul times I have with the missed beates etc....rules my life x link below:blush: