View Full Version : gah! please help me :(

01-04-08, 00:26
i began suffering from hypochondria sort of round late 2007 after having a panic attack on my first flight and 1 in a lift months before. I was really beggining to panic over every slightest body sensation and began checking my pulse almost ever 10/20 minuits, some days were worse than others. After a few wrecking months of pure terror i finally got councelling and it was starting too work, i was getting better and the panic attacks were clearing. But then recently soom neo-hippy kinda friends started talking about 2012 doomsday, and obviousely i think it's stupid and all rubbish. But i started worrying about the end of the world and whats going to happen, and trying to visualise comets and nukes and disasters and after a few weeks of that it cleared. Than after a reasonably relaxed week i went to an open day at a uni and all of a sudden a i fealt faint, dizzy, my heart was pounding, chest pains, tightness in chest all sorts, and nothing triggered it and ever since then i've had on and off tightness in my chest, laboured breathing, light head, dizzyness etc. Im starting to get really frightened and upset, i keep thinking im not going to wake up in the morning, i keep thinking my heart will stop and all sorts, im young im healthy and im in fairly good shape and theres no bad heart history in my family. And also i noticed a spikey feeling on the back of my tongue/throat? thats worried me lots!

01-04-08, 23:01
Hi Ewan

Just wanted to welcome you to NMP, its lovely to see you here:)

All what you describe are classic anxiety/anxiety symptoms hun so please try not to worry, have you looked at the Symptoms/how to cope/first step page links at the left hand side of this page, im sure you will find lots of advice to help too.

I remember also my great grandma and grandma telling me tales about the world ending on different dates from the early 1900,s onwards and where all still here.lol its all a load of rubbish!


04-04-08, 18:21
thank you so much :)

great to find such a helpful community!

04-04-08, 19:17
Hi Ewan

Just wanted to :welcome: you aboard and lovely to see you here.

Try and have a read of the website pages on the left for loads of advice and tips.

You will meet some fab people here and get loads of support and advice.

04-04-08, 20:45
The mind is a funny old thing. If you watch a horror movie at night or a movie that really frightens you, naturally you'll be fearful , when the lights are out,that little black sock on the floor, is monster related.

The point im making is that there will always be people who will say when the world is going to end, and again naturally you take it on board and start to be fearful, this is because a certain part of you actually believes it to be true. I find the best way to undo the fear of things like that, is education.

Now i believe that the whole doomsday 2012 things, is bible related. There are literally hundreds of Prophecies explaining when the world is going to end, which have all failed and have not come true in the past.

As for comets and any other natural disaster, again you have google at your finger tips, so you should look up how unlikely it is that a comet will hit, and global warming and volcano blasts will kill you.

You have to understand people love to exaggerate, be careful not to adopt that exaggeration, and always try to think rationally about the situation. Worrying is really the last thing you want to do.

Good luck.

09-04-08, 14:05
Just thought I'd give you my opinion on the year 2012 and the end of the world rumours that are circulating. . . .
Well the World is not going to end it 2012 I mean there isnt going to be a big boom or anything like that.

It is all to do with the Mayans and the Mayan calender (remember the mayans no longer are alive their culture has gone they didnt predict that as such). Well anyway it is meant to be the end of the world as we know it. In the sense of (and this is spiritual beliefs) not religeon. People are become more conscious more spiritual and more in tune with each other. Which means we are starting to spread more love and more light. In 2012 there is meant to be a huge shift in human consciousness and we are all going to be more connected more in tune and more a community again. So it is basically the end of the world as we know it now. It is meant to be more peaceful and a more loving place to live again the way that it should be.

As for your other fears they are all normal with anxiety and panic. I too fear closing my eyes for fear of not waking in the morning. I too fear for my health think I am dying or my heart will stop in a minute just like that too. I have felt like this now for many years and I too am only young 32 with no medical problems or heart problems in my family. I am genrally fit and healthy too. I think that we just have to find ways of coping with our fears and thoughts and feelings and that is all that they are 'lol all that they are' sounds simple doesnt it but it just great that you have found this site and joined us it is one step to finding your way

Love nooeyxx