View Full Version : White Patch on Tongue

01-04-08, 02:24
Hey guys, i have this white patch on tongue which is raised however the left side of tongue seems to be quite white, i know this is the main symptom of tongue cancer coz someone told me and i have done some googling, however i am only 21 and i don't smoke. i'm really worried about it? am i worrying about nothing? only had it one day and i'm freaking out.
Please reply
Love Louise xx

01-04-08, 03:20
Hi Louise

It's amazing what gross things we think that we see when we're anxious.

My toungue has been all colours of the rainbow at some stage, with raised spots and 'not so raised' spots. What I'm trying to say is that I don't think you have anything to worry about at all. And STOP googling,:ohmy: :ohmy: it never comes out with anything positive:mad: :mad:

I know that you're anxious about it, but I'm sure there's nothing wrong, a white tongue so I thought was a healthy one. Our mouths are full of bacteria and we have certain stuff in our mouths to counteract this, that could be what the white stuff is. Also, I've never seen anyone without some sort of colour on their tongue. I remember I had thrush a long time ago and was given some medication to wash my mouth out with, and it had gone within a couple of days.

I'm jabbering on and you're feeling anxious sorry :bighug1: :bighug1: go to the doctors if you're still worried tomorrow, just to be reassured.

Sorry if I haven't been any help to you:weep: :weep:

Good luck and take care.


Ps - Have you had a good old scrape with your toothbrush, see if that helps?

01-04-08, 08:29

No more googling LOL!!! Seriously though, if your concerned go to the Doctors, i am pretty sure its not mouth cancer. But you need peace of mind. Like Elspeth said try cleaning your tongue, and also mouthwash if you don't already.

Let us know how you get on


02-04-08, 00:52
hey, i still have it today however i am feeling less anxious about it which is good, thanks for all the advice.

06-04-08, 00:25
Hey Louise, I was having fears about mouth cancer for months.
I'm 16, and quit smoking 3 months ago.
I got a spot next to a cut on my tongue, and after googling, convinced myself it was tongue cancer/mouth cancer.
I had panic attacks over it, insomnia, it drove me mad.
I went to the dentist who referred me to an oral hospital, cue me feeling even worse.
I knew at this oral hospital they diagnosed and treated mouth cancer, along with obviously many other oral issues.
So I went to the oral hospital, the culmination of months worth of worrying.
I sat in the chair, readying myself for bad news when she looked at it and said "Oh it's just a small infection."
"What????!!!" I said.
"A small infection. I'll give you some antibiotics and an appointment for a month away from now to see if it's cleared up."
"Oh right. I was worried it's mouth cancer. I quit smoking a few months back"
So she said "Ohhhhhhh darling!!! You shouldn't worry about things like that! Your far too young! And well done on quitting smoking by the way."
It hasn't cleared up much with the antibiotic, but it was only for 3 days, so when I go back next week we'll get it sorted :)

Your 21 Louise, and don't smoke. Honestly, think about how miniscule the chance of this being cancer is.
There's thousands of reasons why there's this on your tongue, and I can tell you now, you'll be fine like I am!

Take care,
