View Full Version : High pulse rate

01-04-08, 08:29
I have not been feeling my best for the last couple of days, really dizzy/off balance and anxiety through the roof.

I have a blood pressure machine and checked my blood pressure to see if the dizziness was caused by that. My blood pressure was normal, but my pulse was 112. Is this dangerous???

tayside lassie
01-04-08, 10:13
hiya .....it says a normal pulse should be between 60-100 ....but if your anxietys up and away then thats what could be causing your heart to race mine does the same when my anxietys bad ...and anxiety could be causing your dizziness as well ...i really cant say if your pulse being high is dangerous but if your real worried about ..would you not be better phoning your gp surgery and asking to speak to a nurse it will put your mind at ease and your anxiety might settle down a bit ...really wish i could be more help .

take care :hugs:


01-04-08, 10:34
hello hunni,

a pulse of 112 isn't really dangerous, it only really becomes an issue if its above 130 ish all the time.

As you say your anxiety is sky high and dizzyness/off balance probably making you feel worse, i really rekon your high pulse is cos of your anxiety.

I often get a racing heart, just out of the blue and then it gradually tales off when i tell myself im ok. Iv been checked out and im fine.

If you feel really worried go to your gp- if nothing else they can provide you with reassurance, might be just what you need to get that pulse rate down again.

Love and best wishes
Cassi xxx