View Full Version : Tonsils (contains pic may be TMI)

01-04-08, 09:10
Hi Everyone

I have had a sore throat that comes and goes for a while, can you blame with a house that is full of people coughing all the time.

Well anyway thought my sore throat was going because it wasn't as painfull, until last night I could feel it sore again. I took some pictures with my phone, I am not sure if I have a problem or not(I hate bugging the Dr and I think she is sick of me because I am always there, lol)

http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c312/AEPPUK/tonsils2010408.jpg%5B/IMG%5Dhttp://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c312/AEPPUK/tonsils2010408.jpg This is a close up of my tonsils

http://s30.photobucket.com/albums/c312/AEPPUK/?action=view&current=tonsils110408.jpgThis pic is a bit further away.

Sorry if these pics has upset anyone, I hope I haven't .


01-04-08, 09:23
My tonsils look similar to this, If you have had tonisiltus in the past you get left with matks where the white bumps have been somtimes. they look look swollen you could ask the doc for an antibiotic to see if it helps.

02-04-08, 19:51
hey thats a good pic really considering it came from a phone! my tonsils look very similar. Your tonsils appear pitted but that is normal as well I got holes in mine weeeyheey,

Have you tried gargeling with asprin, provided you can take it! sometimes it helps me with my sore throats or gargeling with salt.

Take care,

06-04-08, 18:33
Hi Everyone

Many Thanks for you replies, well the tonsils still look the same, though my throat doesnt feel sore. It just feels like I have something stuck at the back of my mouth. I am not sure if this is normal, one tonsil being at least twice the size as the other, so I have decided to make an appointment to see the Gp.

I don't like bugging the Gp, really, but I am really concerned , as it might be something horrible. Now I am stressing about the whole thing now.

Many Thanks


06-04-08, 18:41
I'm sure it will be fine shygirlajb, My tonsils look big most days and some days they will hurt and some days they dont drinking more water seems to help them a bit so they don't dry out and feel sore.

06-04-08, 20:18
Looks like tonsil stones to me:blush:

Ok grim but this will work.....open your mouth and use a finger and scrape tonsils gemtly!!!!

You will prob find white/yellow smelly lumps on your finger....problem solved!!!!

Kaz x x x:hugs:

07-04-08, 10:44
Hi Everyone

I have just got back of the Dr's and feel like a right fraud. Well they said that it is normal(what!!).

I asked if it was normal for my tonsils to be different sizes, she said it can be. I feel awfull now for wasting my Dr's time. I did apologies and the Gp did say it is better to be safe than sorry.

Nevermind, my brain is going overboard again, sorry everyone.


Hope 2
07-04-08, 10:58
Hiya Shygirlajb :D

Only just seen yr initial post , but I am very pleased that you have been checked out and hope this gives you peace of mind . You really don't need to feel like a fraud nor apologise to anyone . Folk on here know where we are coming from with our head thrash issues don't they so don't feel embarassed for posting .

As for the GP , you were anxious and needing medical opinion and that is what they are there for to provide .............. it's all part of the service hun :winks: .

Best Wishes
Love Hope xx