View Full Version : Panicky Daughter

01-04-08, 09:32
Hi all, I haven't been on here for a while but hope to get some help today. My 16 year old has panic attackes which she has handled lately and they did seem to have stopped. However, today she has a French speaking test at 10.10 and is really panicking about it. She has lots of coursework to do atm and spent every spare minute yesterday doing a piece of Maths coursework which exhausted her. She was then very sensitive and tearful in the evening as she was overtired.

She is just worried about everything this week. She has a Drama exam too - they are now coming thick and fast. I have told her to not think about the whole week in a negative way but to take each step at a time and manage each small challenge on an individual basis - like the exam today. I desperately want to help her but apart from sending her positive vibes, don't know what else I can do?

01-04-08, 09:53
My daughter is also 16, good old GCSE's!

I give my daughter Rescue Remedy to take and have also bought her some Quiet Life tablets.


01-04-08, 10:07
katie i can totaly understand how you are feeling at the moment.my daughter is due to do her a level exams in a few wks and she is feeling very much the same right now. tell her i wish her all the best and good luck with them all.

hugs to you both :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

kellie .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

01-04-08, 10:07
Thanks Kate - yes she has had rescue remedy in the past. She was never sure if it worked but perhaps I'll get her some more so she can have it in her bag in case of emergencies x

04-04-08, 20:28
Trying to concentrate all different types of gcse examinations can be quite stressful. Since she is sixteen, you should ask her what are her career aims, if she has established what she wants to do, she should put most of her time into the examination relevant to that career. The most important are English and maths. So sometimes the music/drama/French examinations can be somewhat meaningless, If you understand what i mean.

But however if she has not yet decided what she wants to do then fair enough, she should try her best in all subjects.

I hope she does well.