View Full Version : hiv, im at it again. advise please!!!!!!

01-04-08, 14:24
ok well ive had the test a hundred times but then made the vital mistake ov going on the net again. the gum and tht have advised that a result after 3 month after poss infection is conclusive. ive argued with them that this may not be true as other web sites advise 6 month but they say its 3 and its only in america that its 6. i carnt go and have it tho coz then its never going to stop. anyone with advice????? and im not guna lie i did go after the 6 month but in my head ive convinced myself that i didnt have the test!! crazy i know but i have ocd as well. so i rang the clinic and asked if i did have the test when i thought but they cudnt find the date straight away so now im sure they messed it up and lied to me that i did hav the test even tho i didnt. even as im writing this i know how bonkers i sound, but i carnt stop. sorry!!! x x x

01-04-08, 15:22
Hey Caz

Well I have had 4 HIV tests, I even went to London and got a private test and had two in one week.

Caz - it took me nearly a year to get it out of my head. In the end the GUM clinic talked me through my fears, and told me that actually the risk is low.

If you have had that many tests hunny and they are all negative then that is the case. ITS NEGATIVE..

I know how you feel though, I went to London - a Harley Street Doctor paid over a 100.00 for a test - it was negative, but I thought she performed the test incorrectly, so I went somewhere else and had the test - and it was negative.

After that I managed to settle about it - all though i do worry about a whole host of other things now LOL

I know how your feeling, you do begin to question everything I know!


01-04-08, 15:32
Hi Caz,

Emira is right - the risk is low hun.

3 months is enough time for the hiv antibodies to show up in your blood. You had the test after 3 months and it was negative. You are fine honey :hugs:

Do you think there is perhaps something underlying all this worry about HIV/the tests hun? What I mean is, are you actually concerned about something else and the worry about the test is your way of coping with that maybe?

Just a thought hun, but you are fine ok? Hope you feel more settled about this soon.

Jo xxxxx

01-04-08, 16:22
lol, thanks for that hun, you are so right. what happens is that every time my life seems to be going rite i start thinking that im gunna die from hiv. but ive got so used to worring about it that is truely has become a part of my everyday life. i know everything there is to know about hiv/aids and the more i learn the more i think i have it. they say its 99% acc after the 3m but then that means that one in every hundred people take longer and then i start to convince myself that im that 1%, even tho it may actually be less than that (1%) . i still dont like those odds!!!! lol. it just seems that once other people have been told they are neg then they stop worrying whereas i dont, its just the opposite infact it seems to make me worse. sorry guys, i know im a nitemare. x x x