View Full Version : having a really bad day

01-04-08, 15:47
Hi i'm new here so don't know if this is the right place. Does anyone overthink everything like i do. My head at the moment is a scary place to be the thoughts i have (all to do with illness) just terrify me, i wish i could get away from them, its so bad these last few days that i'm getting on my own nerves to say nothing of my poor family. Been alright for the last 15 months coz been on citalopram, i'm like a different person, calmer, rational, no anxiety attacks, sure i still worry, but i don't think of a problem continually until it makes me ill like now. Going back to dr's tomorrow to ask if i can go back on meds at least until this menopause thing is done with coz i'm sure this is just making me worse. What does anyone else think. Wish i could explain this to others as i've done here.

01-04-08, 16:04

Are you still on meds now? If they helped you before then it's worth trying again. I don't take meds myself coz I don't like side effects etc and I want to try and teach myself to go it alone. I think menopause can make anxiety worse, my friend had terrible anxiety with it. If you didn't want to go on meds you could try a herbal shop like holland and barretts, my friend did she ended up taking all sorts don't know exactly what but black cosh was one of them. It really helped her. Try not to be so hard on yourself too, your bound to have some side effects if you're going through menopause. You'll get lots of support on here too. I'm new to this and have found it excellent.

01-04-08, 16:08
Thanks for that, I suppose I'm just looking for the quick easy way out, but think i might just go into my local health shop and see if they could advise me on some stuff to take to see me over this rough patch.

01-04-08, 22:49

Sorry to hear you are going through a little blip:hugs: .

I would go have a word with your GP to see what he suggests if you feel like you are struggling again dont feel like its a failure if you have to go back on meds. I have been on Citalopram for a good few years off and on, like you i have had times when i have felt like i am going downhill again when i stopped meds, but the meds have given me that boost to get back on track again. Maybe it would be a good idea like you say also to try ther herbal remedies they may help too.

Hope you feel better soon
:hugs: :hugs: