View Full Version : paranoid?

23-03-05, 21:30
Hi all, this might sound a bit weird but do you ever feel like people are looking at you when you're out and about? I went shopping today - I don't like shopping as I had my first panic attack when I was shopping - and I felt like people were looking at me funny. It might have been that I was looking at them funny, I don't know, but it made me feel paranoid. I did feel a bit panicky but I managed to calm down, I 've just felt uncomfortable all day since then. Sorry if this sounds strange but I was wondering if it was just me[:O]

23-03-05, 21:35

I am sure they weren't looking at you and it is your mind tricking you. Perhaps they all fancied you lol!

To cheer you up ...

I went to the supermarket today and walked away from the checkout with my stuff in a bag and the bottom dropped out the bag - then everyone did look as my shopping rolled around on the floor. No-one helped of course as I scrabbled around to pick it up. Got a new bag and walked off and the bottom fell out of that one too!!!!

Doh!! Asda carrier bags are rubbish lol

Hope that cheered you up anyway!


23-03-05, 21:36
hello fairy,

I think it's normal for people suffering from anxiety to feel like they are being watched. I have had that a few times in the past. It is just our minds being paranoid..

Sarah :D

23-03-05, 21:44
thanks nicola and sarah:) My hair was a right mess today so I'm sure they didn't fancy me lol! And I know what you mean about the asda carrier bags, that's where I was shopping today and mine split although my shopping didn't roll on the floor, just poked out the sides! Remember to double bag the shopping when you go next time nicola, or go to tesco where the bags are far superior!!!

23-03-05, 21:50

Glad we cheered you up though. I will remember the double bags lol!!

I wasn't being flippant by the way just wanted you to realise that we all get looked at sometimes.


23-03-05, 22:02
thanks nicola, i know you weren't being flippant, and your post has cheered me up no end, it's nice to be light hearted sometimes:D

23-03-05, 22:11

Well if it made you smile then that is ok.

Seriously though - we all get paranoid at times. The number of times I was panicky at the checkouts and thought "someone is noticing me". I bet they never do though.

We hide it well and we cope.


23-03-05, 22:28

I use to feel think that when talking to people they must know that theres something wrong with me!!! but of course they didnt it was just the worry......then i use to look at people and wonder if they suffered with anxiety......couldnt stop thinking about it.....but again this is just human nature i think when you are suffering with something you wonder if others are.......just our minds being a bit curious i think. its not paranoia you are just a little anxiuos but time is a great healer my friend.

take care,]


23-03-05, 22:44
Hi Fairy

It is so common when we feel anxious to think that everyone is watching us and i also stew and get paranoid that i have said the wrong thing or someone is thinking bad of me, so you are not alone at all hon.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.