View Full Version : Heart Rate going up and up and up!!!!

01-04-08, 20:03
Hi everyone, i am new here... looking to talk to people who feel like me because some people in my family just don,t understand what is going on...!!! :weep:

I am not sure what going on but last year (spring) i was walking not fast.. i was wearing a heart monitor watch when all of the sund.. its jump to 245 .. i freak out.. and i fealt like i was going to faint.. felt im my chest my heart pounding, hot, then cold.. I stop and try to relax... i got to work and call my doctor. I saw him the same day, he took my blood pressure, heart rate and it was fine... :huh:

He send me for some test... (ekg, 24 hrs halter monitor (that but when i had that i was sick so i stay home i did not walk at all, well barely), Strett test, and Nuclear Stress test... everything came back fine I had the result in the winter but i could not walk because it was very cold here...

But yesterday when i decide walking, i put that heart monitor watch on just after about 10 min walking. .. and its was like 114, then 124, 136 and jump to 156, and then banc 221 i freak.. as soon i as saw that my heart was ponding in my chest.. my leg were rubbery and i was kind of hot... i stop walking wondering if i should call someone or 911 i took a few deep breathing and kind of hit my chest because the pounding... and i was terrified.... then after like 2 to 3 second/min not sure it went to 154 and down... so i cross the street to take the bus!:lac:

In the bus it did it again, but did not went to 221... went up to 156, and then down....
I got home, sat down.. was till like weak...all night i keep the heart monitor one and its was ok....:lac:

this moring it did it again...but went up to 160... just from walking... yes i was anxious becasue of what happend the days before...

I call the cardiologue he told me that he's not sure if he believe the 221 we don,t know how accurate those watch are...he told me that if it happen again to go to the hospital and ask them to reconstruct what happen by making you doing exercice on a tread mill with the heart monitor one....and if too he will get me an appointment to get the 24 hours monitor on me again....

He told me not to worry that i am not going to die or pass out.... but how do he know this if he did not see how i was....???
I hope someone can help or reassure me because i really fell lost....:weep:

I am so screard ...when that happen:weep:
I am wondering are those watch very accurate?
What wrong with me... ? I am only 39 well 40 soon.... i

Talk to you soon... (sorry if its a little long)

01-04-08, 20:15
Hi Frenchmaid,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Your experience with this monitor would have left anyone petrified.
Does it actually work properly?
In response to its readings,you have very sensibly sought professional medical advice.
Were you to accept medical opinion,this would result in you accepting that your machine is malfunctioning and should be thrown in the bin.You know that if there is a problem with your heart,your Doctor can help you get it sorted.
The issue will then be the obsession you have with your heart rate.I call it an obsession and I had one too.I used to constantly,obsessively take my own pulse.Then one day,I realized the true nature of the effect this was having on me-totally negative.
When I learned to change my thinking and my behaviour,I could address the core issues of anxiety which I had.
You are at the start of a process of change which will result in your recovery.
Be proud of yourself for coming here to do something about your
health.That is the attitude which will hasten your recovery.
Think about throwing the monitor in the bin.
Read the success stories available through the Main Menu for inspiration.
You will get better.
Best wishes,

01-04-08, 20:42
Hi Frenchmaid,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Your experience with this monitor would have left anyone petrified.
Does it actually work properly?
In response to its readings,you have very sensibly sought professional medical advice.
Were you to accept medical opinion,this would result in you accepting that your machine is malfunctioning and should be thrown in the bin.You know that if there is a problem with your heart,your Doctor can help you get it sorted.
The issue will then be the obsession you have with your heart rate.I call it an obsession and I had one too.I used to constantly,obsessively take my own pulse.Then one day,I realized the true nature of the effect this was having on me-totally negative.
When I learned to change my thinking and my behaviour,I could address the core issues of anxiety which I had.
You are at the start of a process of change which will result in your recovery.
Be proud of yourself for coming here to do something about your
health.That is the attitude which will hasten your recovery.
Think about throwing the monitor in the bin.
Read the success stories available through the Main Menu for inspiration.
You will get better.
Best wishes,

Hi Chalky! I hope i can make some friends, because people in my family just get mad at me and tell me that i am hypocondriac..

Thank you very much for answering me! I AM SO SCREARD...ITS LIKE I DON'T LIVE ANYMORE ITS ALWAYS FEAR....:weep:

I just told that to my friend then she goes well maybe you having angina... well will the doctor would of seen this went he did all the test.. like the Nuclear test where they inject me with a tracer to see if anything is block?

Its funny sometime sometime like now i am sitting down with this heart rate monitor and my heart goes to 77, 78, 104, then 88... i don't know if this is normal...The cardiologue did not really said that the monitor was not good but he goes...WELL I HAVE A HARD TIME TO BELIEVE THE 221...and then he goes.. what make you decide to use that... I told him that it was because i wanted to start walking then he goes.. when you walk without it did you ever feel like this..I said well i did not really walk because i had fear of it but sometime when i go places i just feel a little out of breath...

I have a hard time to understand what happening.. a few year ago i use to bike to come to work and my heart rate with the monitor got to 160 i was bikking pretty fast and when i stop i went to 70 and down to 60 normal....but what is going no now... why is this doing this to me....

I don't get it why i was fine before and now i am not... i want to be healthy and happy not like that!!!!

I do i know its not a heart attach or something wrong like that....????

Rachey poos
02-04-08, 00:01
when i have a panic attack mine goes to about 200 easy and i also get obsessed with my pulse.. and when it calms down after going fast it goes all out of sync and flutters etc..... i would like to suggest one thing to you...... you prob wont like it...but...throw away or sell that monitor! i stopped myself having a watch because i was doing it constantly.... if i get chance to see a ticking clock im there takin me pulse...i think u will find you are having palps with anxiety....im going through a stage at the mo were i darnt walk about cos me heart goes wonky but i know its in me head! cos it comes and goes... ps angina has nought to with heart rate ..angina is pain! xxxxxx hugs to u hun xxxx

03-04-08, 14:44
when i have a panic attack mine goes to about 200 easy and i also get obsessed with my pulse.. and when it calms down after going fast it goes all out of sync and flutters etc..... i would like to suggest one thing to you...... you prob wont like it...but...throw away or sell that monitor! i stopped myself having a watch because i was doing it constantly.... if i get chance to see a ticking clock im there takin me pulse...i think u will find you are having palps with anxiety....im going through a stage at the mo were i darnt walk about cos me heart goes wonky but i know its in me head! cos it comes and goes... ps angina has nought to with heart rate ..angina is pain! xxxxxx hugs to u hun xxxx

Hi Rachey...!

I went to the doctor yesterday and his advise to me was ... the same as you... well he said your watch might be accurate to a certain point but i guess that whe it get to a point where you get street maybe it pick up 2 to 3 beat together and so.. he goes i don't really believe that your heart rate came up to 221 (like a true 221) because all the test i have done to you and that everything is fine..

So he goes .... I really think that its your lungs that cause that... he told me that my lungs are a little congested because i have so much allergies and that with all the dust outside i had a reaction, he goes when you lungs can't provide enough oxigens to your heart the your heart start pumping faster and harder and you might of seen on the watch the heart rate comming up and panick.. which make it worst..... he goes plz don't put that watch on...
and he explain the light headed to me because its normal if you have no enough exigen you will get lightheaded and also that my legs were like a ragdoll because you legs are a big muscle and they need oxigen not to get tired... he goes I CAN SWEAR YOU DID NOT HAVE A HEART ATTACH.. SO STROKE OR ANGINA...

So he gave me a pump he want me to use it 2 puff when i go out for a walk just for a month... well dummy i look the side effect and i an norvous to take it now... its call ALVESCO he told me that this pump won't make my heart race or make me nervous inside like the other pumps because it triger just my lungs and nothing else...but i read the side effect and all that...

I guess i really should use it....
I don,t understand i was never like that before when i was like before i was 30 and then after 35 i become like worry about everything under the sky... i wonder if its because my dad dies when he was 35 for a heart attach.. (but he had cancer.. he had a heart attack because the meds he took were very strong and he took them all the time to kill the pain) but cancer kill him really but his heart gave up... :weep:

Oh boy... i guess i have to take this .. now i can see its allergies.. my nose is plug up, itchy, troath scratch, eye burning... oh boy!!!

03-04-08, 15:58
Dude, I have the answer to your problems.


I actually don't and never will understand why anybody is remotely interested in taking their own pulse. It's a path to anxiety, every time.

03-04-08, 16:49
Dude, I have the answer to your problems.


I actually don't and never will understand why anybody is remotely interested in taking their own pulse. It's a path to anxiety, every time.


Yes i know... that its not good for someone who all the time is worry but the reason why i was using that is because i wante to loose a little bit a weight and i wanted to be in between my target rate... but i guess did not help me at all.. :blush:

03-04-08, 18:13
wow someone in a tod me that i could have this...

Tachycardia refers to very rapid heart beat. The fear is that your heart will go into fibrillation, and not effectively pump blood, thus causing hypoxia and heart attack.

The fact that this happens in response to an outside stimulus makes me think that your sympathetic nervous system is over-reacting to the cold and the wind, but here is what the Mayo Clinic has to say. You can also google the term "tachycardia" to find what other major research institutions have to say.

Fom the Mayo Clinic:

The chances of developing tachycardia increase as a person ages. Fewer than one in every 100 people in their 50s has tachycardia, but about 10 in every 100 people in their 80s have it.

Most people with tachycardia have heart disease. Some people have coronary heart disease (hardening of the arteries). Others have different heart problems, such as:

Long-term high blood pressure (hypertension)
Abnormalities of the heart valves (thin tissues that keep blood flowing in one direction through the heart)
Pericarditis, inflammation of the saclike covering of the heart (pericardium)
Abnormalities of the heart's pumping function
Dysfunction of the heart's natural pacemaker, (sinus node)
Some people who have tachycardia don't have underlying heart disease. The cause is often unknown. Possible causes include:

An overactive thyroid or other metabolic imbalance
Damage or microscopic abnormalities in the muscles of the atria (upper heart chambers)
Abnormalities within individual heart cells
Abnormal electrical properties of groups of heart cells
Emphysema or other lung diseases
Exposure to heart stimulants, such as caffeine, tobacco, or alcohol
Rapidly firing triggers, ("hot spots") often located in the veins that return blood from the lungs to the heart (pulmonary veins) -- that cause atrial fibrillation.

And it freak me out... i panic...! and my heart started racing

03-04-08, 20:46
Hi there and welcome to NMP.

Let me just say that i know what you are going through, i worry about heart rate and regularity and do still check my pulse, i know that i shouldn't!!

Just to reassure you...............
All of us have tacchycardia!!!! This just means that your pulse rate goes above 100! The machines that are used get to 100 then say that this is tacchycardia which just means that your heart rate is faster than 100. If there is no disease or other problems that you are experiencing, then this is fine and perfectly normal. I have it too.

Another thing is that if there was any angina or any heart disease of any kind going on then the tests that you have had would have picked that up anyway. Even if you are not experiencing any problems, or doing any exercise etc, when you are having the tests the machines can still pick up heart disease and other heart problems anyway.

I have had hundreds of ECG's and i have had a 3 day holter monitor and it showed tacchycardia and sinus arrhythmia, both of which are normal. However, when i walk i do get breathless too and i only have to stand up for my heart rate to jump up. This is normal too. I read something recently that stated that just to stand up SHOULD increase your heart rate as it is making your muscles work so more blood is needed to work them, hence your heart rate goes up to power you, so to speak.

I know how you feel and how scary all of this is. I have had anxiety now for 3 1/2 years and i also was perfectly fine and 'normal', by my description only, before all this happened to me. It is annoying, scary i get so very angry that i feel that my life has been taken away from me sometimes as i cannot be who i used to be. I get so sad and so depressed by this also, which is also a problem in itself. I just hope and pray for the day when i can be myself again, hopefully as soon as possible.

Just be assured that you are not on your own in these feelings that you get, and you will have lots of support and advice from this site. I hope you are feeling better soon.xx

03-04-08, 21:00
Hi there and welcome to NMP.

Let me just say that i know what you are going through, i worry about heart rate and regularity and do still check my pulse, i know that i shouldn't!!

Just to reassure you...............
All of us have tacchycardia!!!! This just means that your pulse rate goes above 100! The machines that are used get to 100 then say that this is tacchycardia which just means that your heart rate is faster than 100. If there is no disease or other problems that you are experiencing, then this is fine and perfectly normal. I have it too.

Another thing is that if there was any angina or any heart disease of any kind going on then the tests that you have had would have picked that up anyway. Even if you are not experiencing any problems, or doing any exercise etc, when you are having the tests the machines can still pick up heart disease and other heart problems anyway.

I have had hundreds of ECG's and i have had a 3 day holter monitor and it showed tacchycardia and sinus arrhythmia, both of which are normal. However, when i walk i do get breathless too and i only have to stand up for my heart rate to jump up. This is normal too. I read something recently that stated that just to stand up SHOULD increase your heart rate as it is making your muscles work so more blood is needed to work them, hence your heart rate goes up to power you, so to speak.

I know how you feel and how scary all of this is. I have had anxiety now for 3 1/2 years and i also was perfectly fine and 'normal', by my description only, before all this happened to me. It is annoying, scary i get so very angry that i feel that my life has been taken away from me sometimes as i cannot be who i used to be. I get so sad and so depressed by this also, which is also a problem in itself. I just hope and pray for the day when i can be myself again, hopefully as soon as possible.

Just be assured that you are not on your own in these feelings that you get, and you will have lots of support and advice from this site. I hope you are feeling better soon.xx

Hi Angiebaby!

So you think that by getting a ekg, Stress test and an Nuclear Stress test if they were something wrong they would of seen it....? I would of show event if i did not have any symptoms...someone just told me oh now they could of miss it.... what do you think... its funny for somereason i get more stress out at work and i don't know why....

Its nice to talk to you guy's because sometime i really feel stupid and some of people at work the don't really care because i guess it never happen to them... so what the guy told me about the condition of fibrillation / tachicardia... you think that if I would of hade that it would of show on the test...?????

I don't know really what to do when that happen... sometime my jaw feel tight.. is this part of anxiaty... ????

04-04-08, 10:53
Oh my. Frenchmaid, before you took your pulse, did you feel OK?

You've had tests, you're fine.

Jaw tension is definitely part of anxiety, but you need to stop worrying about your heart! You've answered your worries perfectly - you were wearing a watch which probably wasn't accurate, you were exercising, you're stressed at work.

I would uyrge everyone who worries about their heart to NOT TAKE THEIR PULSE. It really doesn't matter how fast it's going.

04-04-08, 14:08
Oh my. Frenchmaid, before you took your pulse, did you feel OK?

You've had tests, you're fine.

Jaw tension is definitely part of anxiety, but you need to stop worrying about your heart! You've answered your worries perfectly - you were wearing a watch which probably wasn't accurate, you were exercising, you're stressed at work.

I would uyrge everyone who worries about their heart to NOT TAKE THEIR PULSE. It really doesn't matter how fast it's going.

Well yes i think i did.... but all of the sund i was reading the information i show before in red and boum for some reason i had a hard time breathing i took my pulse and i was beathing heard in my wrist... then header.... when i got up to go to my boss office she said my face was all red... i fealt so week :weep: and sceard... i want this to stop...

When i explain taht to my doctor (when it happen when i was walking) (he does not know it happen at work yet ) he told me that probably its because i had not enough oxyeng from my lung to my heart and sometime it does that when you have ashma or lung congested and he told me my lung were a little congested because the dust outside and my allergies... so he gave me a pump Cortisone pump i did not use yet because i read the paper about possible side effect.. whats wrong with me....? He also know how worry i am about everything so he told me that this pump wont make my heart race or make me anxious.. it just attach my lung to help me.... but all i think is what about i have allergies to this ...oh my god its crazy....

I not too stress at work but could reading about what that guy said the heart condition i could have cause this?

How do i know if when i pass those test for the heart they were the right test.... in a nuclear stress test could they see if i have any problem with my heart or does it just show blockage...?

Panick attack are suck and screarry.... is it dangerous when you heart go up like that...?

What can i do to stop taht:weep:

04-04-08, 14:16
Yes, it's all anxiety. BOTH times it happened, you got scared and anxious. Yes, panic attacks DO suck.

04-04-08, 15:26
Yes, it's all anxiety. BOTH times it happened, you got scared and anxious. Yes, panic attacks DO suck.

Wow.... they are pretty powerful!

you really dont think its my heart?

how do i stop it... i dont want to live like that....:blush:

04-04-08, 16:15
I really don't think it's your heart. Everything you describe sounds like panic to me, and I'm sure everyone else will agree, especially as you've had tests.

How do you stop it? Well, that's a harder one. That's why we're all here!

First, you have to stop thinking and obsessing about it. I found when I had heart worries the best thing I did was go for a really hard run. Really pushed myself. I told myself that if I didn't die doing it, I'd probably be OK. I'm still here....

Acceptance is the first stage to recovery...

04-04-08, 18:38
I really don't think it's your heart. Everything you describe sounds like panic to me, and I'm sure everyone else will agree, especially as you've had tests.

How do you stop it? Well, that's a harder one. That's why we're all here!

First, you have to stop thinking and obsessing about it. I found when I had heart worries the best thing I did was go for a really hard run. Really pushed myself. I told myself that if I didn't die doing it, I'd probably be OK. I'm still here....

Acceptance is the first stage to recovery...

Running oh my god... wow i don,t know if i can do that

i often wonder if they done all the right test.... but i guess that they would see cause in the nuclear stress they inject me with liquid and tood picture of my heart....what do you think?

is there any breating relaxiation stuff that can be done or vitamines...???

21-04-08, 17:25
hey frenchmaid, how are you doing today?

I can say me and you are very very similiar in suffering. A year ago i thought i had a heart attack. I didn't obviously but it started a chain of events that changed me forever. I became obsessed with my heart rate. I quit doing anything that made my heart rate increase. I literally just layed on the couch for 4 months. I even quit eating because the anxiety was so intense i had severe acid reflux. All of this from worrying over my heart. In july i was rushed to the emergency room..why? because i quit eating and had sever hypokalemia also known as potassium deficiency which could have given me a heart attack. Thankfully God was with me and he got me off my ass. Slowly but surely and now I am exercising, not at breaking speeds mind you, but i am doing it. I think you should do you very best to stop checking your pulse, i still do it even to this day, but not as much as i used to and i aim to be free of that curse by this year! i also recommend a beginners yoga class. It will help you to relieve muscle tension which causes a lot of physical symptoms such as a tight jaw that you mentioned, also when your tense your heart rate will be higher because it has to pump more blood to the tightened muscles. Yoga will also get you stretching which will improve circulation and blood flow and make your heart have an easier time at pumping which will get your heart rate even lower. I also recommend starting a treadmill routine. Perhaps like a cardiac rehab routine. Start at like 1.5 mph and do a mile, might take you 40 minutes but do it and remain relaxed while you do it. Then every other week or so go up a .1 on your speed. After 4-6 months or so you'll find yourself doing 12-15 minute miles and well on your way to a healthier heart and stronger lungs which will take away that winded feeling. In all these things though i recommend beginning slow and doing your very best to complete each task even through the fear. There will be fear, its in your mind already but you must grit and bear it and you will thank yourself afterwards! I still have my off days and feel yucky, but there nowhere like they used to be and i do so enjoy socializing at the gym and what not.

So i guess the bottomline is, start some exercise. Do it slow and do it right. If you feel like you need to go slower then what i recommend then go slower. You have to get yourself out of the trapped state your in. Your afraid to do things because your afraid of the effects on your heart. But to get better you need to make your heart stronger through exercise which will show your mind all is well and bring you into a more relaxed state of being. Which is also why i recommend yoga for beginners. Very good stuff there. I hope this has helped you in some way and if you have any questions about anything feel free to ask. I too was terrified of my heart, but i am learning to make it stronger and let what may be, be. We cannot control our fate as far as when we are going to pass on. What we can control is how we lived before we go! So get out there and live my friend!

21-04-08, 19:37
hey frenchmaid, how are you doing today?

I can say me and you are very very similiar in suffering. A year ago i thought i had a heart attack. I didn't obviously but it started a chain of events that changed me forever. I became obsessed with my heart rate. I quit doing anything that made my heart rate increase. I literally just layed on the couch for 4 months. I even quit eating because the anxiety was so intense i had severe acid reflux. All of this from worrying over my heart. In july i was rushed to the emergency room..why? because i quit eating and had sever hypokalemia also known as potassium deficiency which could have given me a heart attack. Thankfully God was with me and he got me off my ass. Slowly but surely and now I am exercising, not at breaking speeds mind you, but i am doing it. I think you should do you very best to stop checking your pulse, i still do it even to this day, but not as much as i used to and i aim to be free of that curse by this year! i also recommend a beginners yoga class. It will help you to relieve muscle tension which causes a lot of physical symptoms such as a tight jaw that you mentioned, also when your tense your heart rate will be higher because it has to pump more blood to the tightened muscles. Yoga will also get you stretching which will improve circulation and blood flow and make your heart have an easier time at pumping which will get your heart rate even lower. I also recommend starting a treadmill routine. Perhaps like a cardiac rehab routine. Start at like 1.5 mph and do a mile, might take you 40 minutes but do it and remain relaxed while you do it. Then every other week or so go up a .1 on your speed. After 4-6 months or so you'll find yourself doing 12-15 minute miles and well on your way to a healthier heart and stronger lungs which will take away that winded feeling. In all these things though i recommend beginning slow and doing your very best to complete each task even through the fear. There will be fear, its in your mind already but you must grit and bear it and you will thank yourself afterwards! I still have my off days and feel yucky, but there nowhere like they used to be and i do so enjoy socializing at the gym and what not.

So i guess the bottomline is, start some exercise. Do it slow and do it right. If you feel like you need to go slower then what i recommend then go slower. You have to get yourself out of the trapped state your in. Your afraid to do things because your afraid of the effects on your heart. But to get better you need to make your heart stronger through exercise which will show your mind all is well and bring you into a more relaxed state of being. Which is also why i recommend yoga for beginners. Very good stuff there. I hope this has helped you in some way and if you have any questions about anything feel free to ask. I too was terrified of my heart, but i am learning to make it stronger and let what may be, be. We cannot control our fate as far as when we are going to pass on. What we can control is how we lived before we go! So get out there and live my friend!

wow... thank you Decker :)
First i just wanted to say that i am happy that you are ok and now serious hill...! and that you are in your way of feeling much better!

For me well I just don't understant how this happen because like 2 years ago, i was biking, walking and everying... and never fealt like that.
It only started when i was walking one day and my heart monitor watch went wacoo.. and show a heart rate of 245 bmp.. my doctor told me that i was not possible...

Even that I pass all kind of test (EKG, Stree test, 24 hour monitor, Nuclear Stress test) and that all my test were normal i keep thinking that there is something wong with me.... like exemple right now i have pain in my neck well right away i am thinking oh my god.. i have an artheries clog there..i don't know why i think like that :weep:
Or i think well maybe they did not do all the test to see if everything is good with my heart! My mom told me yes they probably did because when they think is something related with heart they don't play with that...

One day i was talking to a forom and someone goes well maybe you have that condition ...atrichicardia (something like taht) well as soon as i read that i could feel myself feel weak, my pluse racing, my breathing was weird and i had to get up and go to my boss office to talk to someone .. she goes wow your face is all red... i go well i think i just had a panick attach....

What do you think, do you think that if i has something wrong with my heart they would of seen it with those test... (the nuclear stress test) is a 5 hours test first they make your walk on a tread mill to a certain lever and chek your blood pressure and heart rate and then they take picture after then inject you with a tracer when you and make you walk on a tread mill and take picture wight after...

Sometime i have a weird feeling in my troath like my heart flucturing up in my troath.. my friend told me not to worry about it that probably just gas... but i always wonder if its ok... what doing that and i panick.. do you ever have that feeling... my friend told me that she has that too and she does not worry about it...!

Now i am not using my heart monitor watch and i really try heart not to take my pulse really heart.. but sometime i gave it!!!!!

I am so happy to talk to you because sometime my friend think i am hypochondriac and i don't like when they said that...

I just want to feel normal and not to worry all the time...

I wonder if walking on place in my house is just as good as walking outside..
I have to try very heard when i think about stuff like that to change my thinking possitif...
I have strated to do deep breathing to try to relax....
About the Yoga.. i don't really have time to go to a place to do it is renting a dvd would do the same?

Thank you again! I hope that one days i will get over all that and that there is nothing wrong with my heart...:weep: