View Full Version : Sorry to bother you all again----feeling worried!!

01-04-08, 21:03
After feeling ok for the last few days(thanks to some good advice on here) I am starting to worry again about my neck.
I have what feels like a swelling above the right clavicle---I posted before(sorry for anyone that has already read all this!!) that i have been to my GP just before Xmas and he felt it and said he couldnt feel a gland---but to be on the safe side he ran 4 blood tests and also sent me for a chest X ray.
These all came back fine!!! Yet, for some reason i continue to doubt him!!The swelling still feels the same---no bigger, no smaller---as when i first noticed it last October!
I just wish i could feel ok about this all the time and not have a few days of being ok and thinking "yeah i am fine i have had the tests and i havent got what i was thinking i had!" and then going back to my old worrying ways again!!!!
I am always checking for swellings everywhere else(groin, armpits etc) and making my OH check to see if he can feel anything and so it goes on!!!!
I just need reassurance again(sorry everyone i so wish i could feel ok without needing reassurance!!) that the tests are fine and that i need to believe my doctor.
Also, can i ask , has anyone else had a swelling that hasnt gone down but the tests have been fine and it is just one of those things??
Thanks again for all the wonderful advice i have received----i have been positive for the past few days xx

01-04-08, 21:24
Hi Jellybean!!

Ok sweety, what you sorry for? That's what we are all here for! we all need advice from time to time so don't you go worrying!

i have a gland on one side of my neck that is larger than the other (right side) i went to my doc about it 3 years ago thinking i had some horrid kind of cancer, but he assured me that sometimes glands can be larger on one side than on the other, as long as it wasn't causing me pain then it was fine!! i forgot all about it and just checked again after reading your thread and sure enough, it's the exact same as it was.

Please don't wory about it, the bloods would have shown any abnormality up so rest in yourself that you are a healthy and fit!! Try not to keep checking it and i'm sure you will forget all about it like i have!

take care!

Lots of love

xxxxxx :flowers:

01-04-08, 21:32
Aww thanks Lisa for your kind words!!
Mine doesnt feel hard or anything ----it just feels like a squishy bump above my clavicle which when i move in certain directions either appears or disappears(if that makes sense).
I am not sure what my GP tested re the bloods but i know one of the tests was a full blood count.Also, i know the Xray was to check my neck as i read the letter he gave me to give the hospital(not that i am nosey LOL!!!).
Thanks again---that does make me feel better.
Plus,I keep telling myself that if it was anything bad i would be feeling ill by now!!! and apart from this terrible anxiety(which gives me tension headaches) I feel pretty much ok.