View Full Version : Adrenaline without racing heart = panic attack?

01-04-08, 23:23
Hi all -

Found this excellent site. Will be posting a full history on myself soon and hope to help others too.

I recently had this crazy whooshing through my body that I could only describe as adrenaline. No racing heart or anything. I took a valium, slept, and it was back the next morning. Is that a panic attack?

Has anyone had anything like this? Thanks

01-04-08, 23:48

You should read my posts lol I have exactly the same thing as you-like a surge of adrenelin, or a tight knot in your upper abdomen? I woke up about 6 weeks ago with it and ive still got it. Ive been to A&E with it 3 times becasue it worried me so much-i hate not being able to control what goes on with my body and it scared the crap out of me! first time they said it was hyperthyroidism, as i have other symptoms, then they said panic attacks, now they reckon its gall stones. theyve given me ranitidine (300mg) i take 1/2 in morning and 1/3 at night and it seems to be easing off a little after taking it for a couple of weeks. everyone is different though-i'd go see your GP if your worried about it but its nothing sinister-believe me i've had every test they could do over the last few weeks

take care

lou xxxx

03-04-08, 12:39
hiya hun,

only last night in bed i couldnt sleep because i kept getting what i can only describe as waves adrenaline rushing through me - i got shakey, nervous, like i wanted to run a marathon i was so full of energy (but totally on the floor with tiredness at the same time)

It felt like my heart was racing, but it wasnt. Hope this helps, im sorry you get it to but gald to know im not the only one!


15-04-08, 03:31
Thank you so much for your replies.