View Full Version : Everything WONT be alright.

02-04-08, 06:25
I have had derealization/depersonalization for about half a year now. Started from smoking a weird batch of herb and boy do i regret it...

I used to find the 'visual effects' disturbing and would suffer 24/7 as everything was 2D.

Sometime they just got used to it. I didnt get attacks and the 'new' me could deal with it.

Everything is still in 2D and, therefore, i know its still present.

Im also starting to have the thoughts that its something worse then DR/DP and anxiety all together. If someone with this form of anxiety could please help me out. will I ever go back to normal and not have to suffer the visual effects.

It worries me enough, this distortions, but it worries me even more that Im scared of them! It's seeing things in 2D, what's scary???

Please help me. Im going crazy again...

02-04-08, 09:42
:) hi the only thing i can say is the fact that you are deep down worried its something else is anxiety itself and is why it wont go!!!!

because you fear how you feel, mentally, in your thoughts you are continually secreting adrenalin and other hormones into your system - so therfore your body chemistry is out of whack.

i have had dp/dr that lasted a whole year, and it was only when something occured that made me stop focusing on it that it went altogether, although i had started to accept it as something that wasnt actually hurting me, so i stopped alarming myself about it.

as for the drugs well, they could have affected you at the time but its effects cant last this long!!!! you have chronic anxiety and your brain is actually protecting itself by making you have dp/dr - it doesnt want to deal with whatever you are feeling, its too much for it!!!

but one thing is for sure the more you worry the less it goes - you have to accept it first as something that no matter how unpleasant is not harmful and it goes as soon as you stop these constant worrying thoughts about it!
btw ive also had subsequent bouts of it that have gone much much quicker because i know it isnt going to last forever if i dont fret about it:yesyes:
take care, emma:winks:

02-04-08, 09:43
Hi Joe

First of all you are NOT going crazy - someone who was going crazy would not know they are going crazy, they wouldnt realise it was happening. So you have no need to worry there.

I take it you dont smoke weed anymore?

There is nothing wrong with the fact that you are scared of these distortions - if you weren't scared then that would be worrying hun :hugs:

From my experience from de-realisation/de-personalisation, these came about when my mind was fatigued and just needed a damn good break from all the anxious feelings. The mind has various ways of coping with overload and I guess that DR/DP are its way of saying "Please slow down, let me rest a while".

Have you been to see your GP about seeing a counsellor so you can talk about your feelings? I think the "worst" thing I did was to try and cope alone for so long and the longer I tried doing that, the more tired and worn out I became and so the DR/DP became more frequent.

Jo xxxxx

03-04-08, 03:16
Believe me the effects of bad dope CAN last that long!
It's what started me off too.
Bloody stuff should be illegal!
Phill :shades:

03-04-08, 14:45
:) how many people is that a scientific fact for though phil? and how many is it just psychological? ive smoked pot too in the past and it usually freaked me out anyway, plus i could think about those experiences and bring on a panic - the pot wasnt in my system at the time it was the memories?

unfortunately guys though whatever we dabble in we have to take responsibilty for what damage it may do to us - either by it actually harming us in a physical way - brain damage, liver damage, nerve damage etc etc - or else phsychological damage:winks: