View Full Version : cutting down on booze advice pleeze!! moaner again!

02-04-08, 09:40
:blush: hi folks,
know i had a moan aboutmy binge drinking when on a nte out, and thanks for all your replies..i just know ive got to cut down in the week too, i buy 2 cans of cider and a bottle of wine every eve.. my oh drinks too and has no incentive to stop etc as hes fine!!(even if he gets on my nerves ) lol.. i always wake up feeloing anxious(i know its not so bad when i d ont drink much) but its a vicious circle i feel betta s day goes on then feel like having my normal drink come the eve, i dont crave or nething its habit more than nething and to relax!! ironic eh,, also i wont drive till the afternoon cos im jittery in the morn!! IM SO FED UP WITH MYSELF!! i just do like a drink in the eve so what can i do folks? ne one else cut down? dont want to stop, i gave up smoking 6 months ago, still struggling with that!! addicted to the lozzies now :doh: sorry for the long moan!! love to all becca xxxx