View Full Version : Feel like I'm going mad

02-04-08, 10:04
Hiya all

So I am new on this meds, been on it for 3 weeks though lost them and didn't take them for half a week.

When I started my meds again I felt really weird. I couldn't face going into college that week!! I went shopping with my Mum to Canterbury (with Nan and uncle too) and I just could not leave their side to look at something, it was as though I was a child again. I lost my libido COMPLETELY and simple jokes that I would have got would fly straight past my head! I struggled to sleep that week and most of the time I was very anxious, particually about leaving the house even if it was with my Mum. At home I wanted to be in the same room as both of my parents, must have been that sense of security or something.

I still went to work and I still act weird, infact the woman I work with said jokingly "you are crazy!" and my dad and brother call me a "nutter". I would laugh back but I do kind of think whether they do think that, they would never say that to me.

Does citalopram and other meds make you go a bit ... mad ... so to say?

02-04-08, 10:26
hi hunni,
all meds are bit weird when you start them, make you feel worse sometimes, its just them getting into your system, i was terrified when first started mine and had feelings just like u babe, keep taking them you will feel betta, just horrid at first,, xxxx

02-04-08, 15:40
Hi jadey,

I agree with bexy1970, give them a bit more time eh?

As for your dad and brother calling you a nutter, my sons call me that quite often,especially when I try to join in their football conversations.:shrug:

You are not crazy, you are just trying to recover with the help of meds. Mind you,if you are crazy then so am I,coz I take citalopram too.:unsure:
julie x:hugs: