View Full Version : operation fears

02-04-08, 10:11
Hi guys , the hospital think i have a rare condition called SCD , superior canal dishence , basically a hole thru the bone in the inner ear.
The only cure is operation , but its a major operation where they cut out a 2 inch window in the skull behind the ear and have to lift the brain to get to the canal bone,,,
now I really do not think i can do it .....
I mean I really really cant do it , I panick too much just about little things.
Yet I want to feel normal again ,
I feel so confused , a cure is in sight , yet Im too afraid to take it.

what am i gonna do :shrug: .

02-04-08, 10:20
Hey Mirry

I am glad that they have discovered this, but I can imagine how nervous you must feel.

Have you had a chance to discuss your fears with the surgeon/consultant who is leading this.

Did they say how long the waiting list is for this operation. And is it imperative that you have it?

Its a real tough one, but I would say if it helps your well being, and makes you better then thats absolutely the most important thing. It will probably play on your mind either way.

Not sure if I have been any help at all!!


02-04-08, 13:22
Hi Mirry

I know it's easy to say this when it's not you, but if it were me I'd go for it. I'd be absolutley terrified but would sooner that than live with the dizziness. I would try to tell myself "what the hell, I'll be asleep the whole time and when I wake up it'll all be over". I would sooner have anything done under anaesthetic than when I'm awake, you may have a bit of a headache afterwards but it won't last forever. Hope you can make the right decision for you though.

Love Fran

02-04-08, 13:34
:hugs: thanks for the replys , yeah I think i know i will have to go for it ,
just wish they could operate thru the ear instead.
Just get scared , only 12 days till my apointment .

02-04-08, 14:23
Sending you a big hug Mirry:hugs:

I dont have any advice I am afraid, just talk over any fears with the surgeon. I am sure you will be fine.

03-04-08, 02:27
Surgery of any kind is terrifying, but feeling better in the end would defintely be worth the anxiety it would take to have the surgery. We would be here every step of the way supporting you!

03-04-08, 09:55
Hi Mirry

I recently had a brain tumour removed back in Feb and i like you was very scared, but it was the best thing i could have done, as i am now well on the way to recovery.

I know it is frightening but you will feel better after and will be glad that you had it done.

Take care

Mandy xxx:yesyes:

03-04-08, 13:25
thank you every one again ,

Maz67 , sorry you had to go thru that :hugs: ,Im glad your on the road to recovery now , what a brave person you are :flowers:
you are right , somethings just need doing , and i suppose this is one of them. Its just im such a whimp when it comes to these sort of things :blush: .

Apparently with this condition some people just live with it , if they are getting mild symptoms , but my symptoms are acute and I get vertigo alot, and cant walk straight . I think I know what i have to do .
thanks for talking me thru it , its good to see things clearly.

03-04-08, 21:43
Hi Mirry,

can fully understand how worried you are. My big thing is the anaesthetic but I had to have one a few years ago and it was so much better than I expected. It really helps to explain to the people looking after you how scared you are they will spend more time with you. If you are worried about the actual op itself then ask as many or as little questions as you feel comfortable with. I know in hospitals they tend to give you all the details. I personally would rather not know.

Keep thinking how wonderful it will be not to be plagued with the dizzieness. Just think your anxiety problems could all be over very soon. Lots of hugs and best wishes.

24-08-08, 20:12
Mirry, I was so surprised to type in superir canal & find you! I hope your're well & still watching! I've suffered all my life from minor symptoms, have just recently been formally diagnosed & am now considering the surgery. I've got holes in both sides/ears. Are you facing surgery inboth ears? It is scary sounding, but my Dr seem to think it's "fairly routine" (the ENT) but it is too close to BRAIN surgery to be "routine". Please, if you're watching, let me know how it' going. Cathy

24-08-08, 22:35

i havent been around for a while (moved home, no internet etc) how did the appointment go? Hope all went well hun.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
