View Full Version : Barrett's Syndrome

02-04-08, 14:06

I am new to this site and really need some reassurance. I continually worry myself sick about health issues. I'm 51 and the older I get the more anxious I become about illnesses. I have been like this since I was in my early 30's. I've imagined all sorts of illnesses. My Dad and sister died suddenly of heart attacks and I worry that I will die suddenly too.
My worry at the moment is Barrett's Syndrome......has any else heard of it? I went to see a private consultant who looked at my throat under general anaesthtic and found an inflammed patch in my throat. He took a biopsy that came back negative and he told me not to worry about it and it wouldn't turn into cancer but I made the BIG mistake of looking it up on the internet and am now worried sick. It says it can turn cancerous and should be checked regularly. I hate tests of any kind as they make me so anxious waiting for the results. I have been back to my GP who has tried to reassure me but I really worry that I will now get cancer of the throat. I used to smoke but gave up 10 months ago.

02-04-08, 18:13
You are talking about Barrett's Esophagus, I assume. and yes, I know it well... (Looking up my paranoia runs into it a lot.)

I'm confused though, did he diagnose you with it or not? If not, I woulden't worry about it, unless you're getting very frequent heartburn. If he did, you should still remain postive. All it means is they'll recomend you take regular Endoscopys or another test to make sure cancer dosen't devlop. The removal rate for early cancer in the esopgus is 80-90%, so they would almost ciretenly fix you up in no time.

02-04-08, 18:56
Hi Sue,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
William seems to have answered your query on a sound medical basis.
The consultant and GP seem in agreement.
Where things have gone wrong for you is a mixture of health anxiety and Googling.These two do not make a happy couple.I am lucky in that my Googling was to find this Site-not to self-diagnose.I have yet to see a positive post here resulting from Googling for medical reasons.
Recognise that your health care professionals do have your best interests at heart.Face and beat your health anxiety and leave off the medical research.
People here will help you to recover your health.
You will get better.
Best wishes,

02-04-08, 20:56
My friend has barretts oesophagus and she has to have an endoscopy every 3 years but she has been told that only 1% of patients with barretts go on to develop cancer anyway and almost unheard of before age of 60 anyway.

So even if you were in the minority who get barretts only 1% of them go on to get cancer which will be caught very early because of the screening.

If your biopsy was fine then you don't have barretts as its easily confirmed with biopsy.