View Full Version : Strange feeling!!!!

02-04-08, 17:08
Hi everyone.Sometimes I dose off on the sofa in the afternoon,and when I start to wake up I get this feeling like my heart is beating very fast and that why body has a feeling like its swaying.This only lasts a matter of minutes and then it goes.
I also get a dizzy feeling if Im knelt down or sat on the floor and get up,and then everything goes funny for a few seconds.:wacko:

Tell me Im not mad:wacko: :wacko:

02-04-08, 18:03
I'd say the first one is low blood sugar, and the second one is low blood pressure (orthostatic hypotension). I get them both and try to avoid afternoon naps as I feel so crappy when I wake up again - even queasy sometimes.

02-04-08, 18:07
It's possible they're both low blood pressure, I think.

Whenever you go to sleep or lie down for a while, blood pools in your legs. When you get up the heart needs to start pumping faster in order to get the blood around your head. Once I was admited to an ER for fainting after getting up too fast from lying down after dinner. That might sound scary, but they checked me every which way and montiored me for an hour, and sent me right back home, and I've never gotten it again.

02-04-08, 18:21
I think everyone in the world gets that! If I fall asleep anywhere except my bed, I'll wake up with a start and get a racing heart. it's just that us anxious types are more aware of it. I doubt it's anything to do with blood pressure, really.

02-04-08, 18:33
I apologize if I gave the wrong impression. When I said low blood pressure, I meant minor low blood pressure from eating a large meal or going to sleep, not any kind of cronic ilness.

Like he said, everyone gets it, some worse then others, but it's not a serious problem.

02-04-08, 21:40
hi yorkie lover ialso suffer like this even if i just fall asleep for five minutes iwake up feeling as though my bodies vibrating and my hearts beating really fast and just feel really shaky so no your not alone. lin:)

03-04-08, 00:08
hi ellen
yes i get that too.upon waking up my heart starts racing and my body feels like it is vibrating.sometimes but not all the time my stomach feel upset too.
love debera:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: