View Full Version : Can not cope advice please!!!

02-04-08, 19:13
Hi all I have suffered panic attacks for months now, I was on 20 mg of Prozac a day I was doing perfectly okay for a while. Mr panic has decided to come back worse than before I went to see my doctor today. I am not sleeping at night, just wish every night i would fall asleep and not wake up, heart beating like mad and shakes everyday. Anyway I went to the doctors and he has kept me on 20 mg of prozac and started me on Half inderal 80 mg a day. He also said i should stop drinking diet coke i know that sounds silly but i drink 2 litres a day he said that does not help me at all. I broke my heart when i seen the doctor i can not cope with it all anymore and he just pasted the perscription and said stop drinking coke. I felt more upset than i did when i went in. Is anyone been on this half inderal and what are the side affects the doctors said they are like a seditive?? I can not see no light at the end of this long tunnel, wonder when i can start to become normal again or will i any help will be appreciated x

03-04-08, 02:40
hi margaret, i thought id write you a quick reply cos i also was in pretty much the same place as this back in sept 2007. i still have probs sleeping. i understand how u feel my dr wasnt very understanding he just gave me diazpan and told me to lay off suger. its hard to cope and i dont know bout inderal but i do know i've been on alot of meds in the past and some of them are not good. one lady once told me its like putting a plaster over a cut, it dosnt make it better it just is a quick fix. i dont know about cutting out diet coke i've not heard it affects anxiety. id just like to say tho dont give up, it may seem like theres no hope but u will get thru this :) and remember theres no such thing as normal :P lol. i hope this helps you in some way. xx

03-04-08, 09:57
hello, i used to find it hard to sleep at night too. i used to go to sleep with the tv on, as the slightest noise would scare me. Also i found it useful to sleep in a room with someone else. used to sleep in my house mates rooms.
I still sometimes go to sleep with the tv, watching my fav film to calm me down. hope this helps

03-04-08, 13:32
Thank you for replying to my post, I have took my first inderal tablet this mornng. The doctor is on about my cutting out the diet coke because of the caffine intake it is about 11 cups of coffee a day. I have decided to try and cut it out. Does anyone have any side affects with the inderal? How long does it take for the inderal to start working? x

04-04-08, 19:56
Hello Margaret,

It's very vital that you do stop drinking diet coke, as it is known that large portions of caffeine can provoke panic attacks. You have to work with yourself and monitor your diet and your sugar intake. Also, there are certain anti-anxiety elements within anti-depressant medication such as prozac, so drinking diet coke whilst being on prozac is quite self-defeating. Also, a large portion of caffeine is known to prevent you from sleeping.

Also, you have to understand a larger side of panic attacks are just psychological . Have you tried any breathing exercises?...You say that you have been getting panic attacks for months now, maybe you can ask your doctor, about seeing an occupational therapist, it'll most likely be home visits. The OT will go thru certain breathing exercises, that'll help you cope with the panic.

So overall i recommend you drink water or juice, instead of tea, coffee or any other really gassy/fizzy drinks.

Try to monitor your sleeping pattern as well, try to have a fixed time to when you go to sleep and when you wake up, as this will balance the times out.

Also, try to get regular exercise everyday, or every other day. Start out slowly and build up over time. You can start out with aerobics/yoga to stretch the muscles and maybe some light walking/jogging on a running machine. This will keep you fit and healthy, it'll also have you burn up energy, which will help you get to sleep at night.

I understand its a very terrible thing that your going thru, and you really, shouldn't go it alone. You do not have to suffer. Your doctor sounds somewhat ignorant if he fails to see the serious condition behind your problem. He really shouldn't just be issuing you anti-depressants and then bidding you a good day. You have to remember, you have to address the issue and not crush the problem. I'm not saying you shouldn't take prozac or any meds he thinks you should take. But try to see it from a rational prospective and locate the problem and stay focussed on solving it.

...and most importantly panic attacks are not dangerous, bloody feels like it tho don't it? haha...but no really, they are complete harmless. You have to understand the more you worry the more nervous you'll become and that will trigger the attack. Its none other than just a viscous circle repeating. Remember to relax, nothing will happen, you are not going to die from it. If your heart beats, let it beat. It's actually quite healthy for you, the faster it beats the stronger it'll become. During an attack, i recommend you lay down on your back, put your hands on your belly, relax and breath in and out slowly, you can also count up to hundred whilst doing so, to distract your mind.

I hope i have helped you.
Good luck.

04-04-08, 20:11
Margaret the diet coke will cause you all sorts of anxiety issues so please ditch that asap.

I think you may find that is fuelling the anxiety and cutting that alone may help.

04-04-08, 20:15
Hi Margaret,

I was like you and addicted to diet coke, I used to drink at least a 2 litre bottle a day.

I have now cut it out completly and only drink the caffeine free diet coke, my sleep is so much better now because im not on a permanent high from all the caffeine.

I did get some quite bad side effects when I stopped drinking it, dizzy, shaking and headaches, but they only lasted for a couple of week, and it was well worth it

Take care

Trac xx

04-04-08, 20:33
Hi Margaret

I really feel for you because in August 07 I was exactly where you are today. I was sted on anti depressants and at the same time prescribed a benzo "lorazepam" to help me relax and get through the initila difficult period until the anti depressant tablets kicked in. After 4 weeks I stopped the benzos but I am still on 40mg of Citalopram. I feel fine now and are beginning the slow withdrawal form the medication next month. What really helped me through wa having therapy at the same time. Especially hypnotherapy. I know that when you are down you feel that there is no light at the end of the tunnel especially at night if you can't sleep, but dont give up because it wiil pass with time. Allow yourself some space and dont set yourself time limits or massive targets.

Wish you all the best


05-04-08, 23:13
Thank you very much for all your replies, I have gone down to 1 litre of diet coke a day for now then in a couple of weeks i will go down a bit further. The beta blockers seem to be working but i have only been on them a few days not feeling as jumpy so i am keeping my fingers crossed. Thank you all agin for your advice it is so much appreciated. x x

05-04-08, 23:28
hi margaret
i was told to cut out all caffeine from my drinks by a cpn that i was seeing at the time, it was the best advice i was given, where ever i go ive always got de-caf t-bags on me (i know it sounds sad lol) only thing i cant give up is the ciggies and they do have caffeine in them, still weve all got one vice we cant give up lol
denise :bighug1: