View Full Version : Feeling of movement when sitting still??

02-04-08, 20:21
Hello All I am new and need advice please, after a massive breakdown, combined with panic attacks and anxiety I am now very very slowly recovering but have been left with the following symptoms which really scare me. Sometimes if I sit still it still feels like I am moving backwards and forwards also the muscles in my ears seems to clam up. Does anyone else expierence this please. Healing thoughts to all.

02-04-08, 21:33

yes I sometimes feel this-I can only describe it as a "rocking" sensation, in time with my heartbeat. No I dont like it but I live with it. I'm sure its nothing to worry about.

Take care

Lou xxxxxxx

06-04-08, 12:56
Could also be vertigo. I get this from time to time. I know that I am having a bout because I can be sitting but the room keeps moving. This eventually clears up. Something to do with an imbalance in the middle ear I believe.

Definitely get it checked out by your dr to put your mind at ease.:)

06-04-08, 14:12
Hi I used to get that too.... it started with my last bout of anxiety and all of the above are true, it is related to anxiety sometimes but also inner ear imbalances which for me can occur with changes in the weather. When it gets cold like now, or during hayfever season i get a increase in mucus (yukky to mention, i know) and its causes the small bone in my inner ear that controls my balance to get a bit sluggish and slow..... so even when i stop moving it hasn't caught up and thinks i still am....as LizzieT says it just comes and goes...and nothing to worry about... the doc says to drink loads of water when i get it and menthol gum helps clear my airways and ears too... anyway get it checked to put any fears to rest but im sure its nothing to worry about, honest.
welcome x Rachel

06-04-08, 17:19
:) hi, like lots of people on here i also suffer with light-headedness and dizziness and chronic catarrh, which i dont htink has anything to do for me with my inner ear or anything? anyway the rocking feeling? well mine wasnt rocking as so much juddering?- like my whole body felt like it was trembling - but deep inside - i have had a couple of break-downs in my life, bu ti had never felt this 'juddering' before - i can tsay what happened to me last year was a breakdown - although it felt like one, but was prob jus t period of chronic anx, which left me wiht depression and this juddering sensation - not sure its the same thing as you - but i can report it did go after a while jsu tby ignoring it mainly, take care emma:winks:

06-04-08, 17:52
Hi Lindy - I had the rocking feeling for about 8 months, it happened whenever I sat still or had to lie still. I was fine if I could walk around or even twitch a foot when laying down. It only stopped when I stopped trying to fight it. I made myself sit and eat my dinner (instead of pacing the room!!!), sit and watch tv etc. I did it slowly, gradually building up the time and eventually the sensations went, once I stopped focusing on them all the time, they had no hold on me. I do know how scary they are though, they won't harm you.