View Full Version : bad nights?

03-04-08, 10:24
Hi, I've recently started to have bad nights, I lie there trying to get to sleep and I can hear/feel the pulse in my head, i really hate it.

Last night I was trying to get comfortable and I kept having these waves where I would be all shaky and full of energy (although i was seriously tired) and it felt like it does when your heart is racing - except mine wasnt.

I've had this symptom randomly since Jan, doesnt happen often but now i feel i am anticipating this to happen at night.

Anyone else???

Char xxx

03-04-08, 10:29
Char, i have had that too, 4 weeks ago is when i felt i was having a nervous breakdown, when it all came to a point. I went to Boots Chemist 2 days ago, and bought some of that Bach Resue Remedy in the night time form, it really does help me calm my thoughts, and it helps me fall to sleep, and with Insomnia its a blessing to finally fall to sleep!

Why not get to a Boots or go on the website, or google it, and find the Bach night time spray...((if only to read about it))

Hugsssssss HelenS

04-04-08, 20:17
I recommend regular exercise, everday for about 45 min to an hour or more if possible, to burn up any unused energy. Also feelin the pulse in your head, is probably down to how you are laying. That normally happens when you put pressure on something. for e.g if you put a pressure on your hand whilst laying on it, you feel the beat. So try reconsider sleeping posistions.

Also, try to sleep with the window open slighty, as the fresh air will help you nod off and you'll feel a lot better in the morning when you wake up. If you sleep with the window closed, you have to take into consideration the heat that is comming from your T.V or pc and you start to get hot and bothered and will probably wake up with a headache or feeling sick.

Try to manage your sleeping pattern aswell, set the alarm clock for a specific time to wake up and get up dead on that every morning.

If you still find it difficult to sleep, try a hot bubble bath before bed time, i recommned using radox herbal bath, this will help you relax your mucles and will reduce the tension/stress in your body.

I think natrually we all suffer from slight insomia now and again in our life, but nothing we can't over come. But however if the problem does persist and it starts to interupt with your daily life, see if you could consult a doctor.

Hope this helps.
good luck.

Eva May
08-04-08, 17:15
I had one of those nights last night. I woke up out of a very vivid dream where my bedroom was trying to kill me :blush: . That was the end of sleep after that as I felt edgy in the room and so I lay awake and it's the closest I have ever felt to losing my mind. Hungry and shaky as well which didn't help

08-04-08, 19:53
Yep i have had alot of bad nights recently, i keep drifting off to sleep only to wake up suddenly with this awful sense of fear and bolt up in my bed - not a nightmare, i just feel frightened :( ...or just falling asleep and realising i'm not breathing, that happens quite alot too..how the hell do you forget to breathe!!!?? My meds seem to make my dreams uncomfortably vivid..bedtime is not fun for me generally. The only way I get a good nights sleep is taking sleeping tablets but i find them very druggy...

Hope nights get better for u Char

xx Elle

09-04-08, 17:56
I too am suffering disturbed sleep due to depression and panic attacks. I lay awake all last night only to finally drop off at 6.30am. i had a vivid dream and muscle spasms and woke at 7am! i'm so full of adrenalin all the time and cant switch off at all.......... mind is going 24/7.

do others get the same feelings?

09-04-08, 19:58
I have the same. I have lavendar oil on a tissue next to my pillow. A glass of water, the radio and an easy no scary book cos' sometimes it is easier to read or listen to the radio than toss and turn all night.

A relaxing bath before bed time to give me time to wind down. As mentioned before Radox, or essential oils or as a real treat my mate bought me some realxing bubble bath from Clarins which is divinely relaxing.

And as Helen S says there are herbal night remedies like Bachs night stuff and I think Lush do something you can rub on your wrist to help sleep.
I also write a diary which helps to get out the fears.

10-04-08, 22:55
thankyou all for your replies,

i used to love bedtime and my sleep, it was a time to wind down and relax, now i feel anxious and nervous at the thought of going to bed because im scared i will get a racing heart episode which lasts only a min or too but is so horrid that i now dread bedtime!

I will take all the advice on board and give it a go.

Thanks again

Char xxxxxxxx