View Full Version : Localised head Zaps always in the same place

03-04-08, 12:20
I've been getting a kind of "head zap" like and electric shock in my head on the right side. it feels like at any moment something is going to go POP in my brain. It started about 6 months ago, so instead of going straight to the doctors, I went to the optician's for an eye test. he said my eyes were ok but as i use the computer and read a lot, he recommended I have some very very low prescription glasses for when I do this. Ive heard that opticians can see behind the eye and sometimes can see tumours?

Anyway, they continued, nearly every day until I got so worried I went to the doctors. He shone a light in my eye, turned the lights off in the room and checked a few things, and said it sounded like a form of neuralgia (ive had neauralgia before and it was NOTHING like this-the pain was all over my head, it kept moving and it was in my face too)I told him that I was convinced that it was a tumour and he said he'd done all the checks he could do and assured me it was nothing sinister. He gave me tablets called Pregabalin (lyrica) but I never took them as I hate taking any meds (i stupidly read the leaflet tht comes with them and convinced myself i'll get every side effect)

Now me, being me, didnt and still dont believe the doctor. I am absolutely convinced that it is a tumor/aneurism and at any minute it will burst or I will drop dead. I just dont see why spomething that hurts so much and causes so much pain, stays in the same place and doesnt move around, there has got to be something there to worry about.

I get it nearly everyday but sometimes I only get one or 2 "zaps" Also, I feel like i need to close my eye when they come on-I also rub where it hurts as well as the side of my head (temple area) But sometimes I have days like today-As soon as I opened my eyes it was there, while my head was still on the pillow. They have been getting more and more regualr and now i'm panicking as they arent stopping. Normally if i only get one or 2 and they go away, I can cope with them but if i have them all day I start to really worry and feel like i have to go to bed to get (if I have a sleep i wont feel them and therefore wont panic)

Can anyone offer me any advice please? I just want a bit of re-assurance, something to put my mind at rest from someone who has had or is having exactly the same as me and knows its nothing to be worried about because at the moment its ruining my life-I cant concentrate on anything apart from this and I have 2 children and a partner to think of

Thank you for listening

Lou xxx
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03-04-08, 22:43
I had this too just above my right eye and the pain would shoot down the eye and also into the side of my head.

I was told that I had frontal neuralgia and my doctor gave me medication for it and it has now gone.

I too had the same thoughts as you about it being an aneurysm, but my doctor said that it is in no way that.

03-04-08, 23:33
Thanks for that Debs-can you remember what medication you were given? i', completely freaking out now because i've had it all day long with hardly any let up and even when I took 1/2 2mg diazepam before it didnt calm me down which it normally does

lou xxxxxxx

04-04-08, 07:51
The medication was called Tegretol 100.

It can make you feel a little wierd for the first 2-3 days but it was worth it. I was only on them for a week.

04-04-08, 09:56
the thing is debs, i dont really get any pain around my eye or inthe side of my head? just in the one spot

thanks for the replies xxxxxxxx

04-04-08, 23:32
Maybe it isn't neuralgia but a very common symptom that alot of people have on here due to anxiety. I haven't had any of these since my doctor told me I don't have an aneurysm. Also the doctor told me when you get them feel the spot and if it is sore then it's on the outside of the skull and nothing to worry about.

05-04-08, 12:15
I go through phases where I get a pain in my head on the right side, its always on the right side and its there all day, it moves from around the temple area to down my face. I also worry about brain tumours and everything else!! So the anxiety I am sure made it worse. I only took pain killers and nothing else. I did have antibiotics in case it was sinus and that seemed to help, bt who knows?! I also suffer with a bad neck which is the same side and they say the headaches could be related to that, guess its all tension?
Hope you feel better soon x

05-04-08, 13:19
I've been getting so many head zaps! They occur in one place for a day or so, and then move to another place for day or so. As my scan results confirmed yesterday, I don't have a brain tumour, so who knows what it is.

I am trying antibiotics now....

I am sure it won't be anything bad, I know how hard it is though. Hard to function, distract yourself. Keep your chin up.

Have you been to the docs?

03-05-09, 20:23
I get them in the same place all the time, they really frighten me. I told the doctor about them when i first got them but she did not seem bothered about them!
I do think they are from anxiety or meds though.
