View Full Version : very worried about health issues affecting me

03-04-08, 16:22
i have very big fears about getting illnesses. i only have to see an illness on tv and i worry i have it. i think it comes from when i was 17 and a very close family friend, almost a mother to me, died of cancer. i didnt cope very well with that having agoraphobia at the time and also O.C.D. and ever since then i've worried bout getting cancer and its getting to the point where im really scared of doing anything that might result in getting ill. any type of ill from food sickness to more serious illnesses. im 20 now and i just want to get over my obsession with illness and try to live a half way normal life at least. has anyone any advice they could offer me please? id be mose greatfulll for any tips.

03-04-08, 16:50
Hi Pixie, do you think your worries over your health might really be to do with the upset of losing this person to cancer when you were 17 hun?

I have fears over abandonment but I have realised they stem from my father dying when I was young and also a few bad relationships where I was taken for a ride really.

Have you ever seen a counsellor? It might help to talk about what happened - my sessions helped me unravel my feelings and how they were related to past events.

Jo xxxxx

03-04-08, 20:30
yeah i have seen alot of diff people over the years but not alot of them really understood what i was going through. im waiting right now to see someone new. yeah i do think it all gose back to losing this family friend, we were very close and she helped me with my agoraphobia as she had been ill to with panic attacks in her life. im very sorry to hear about your dad hon, its so hard to lose someone we love. i have a hard time commiting to relationships as i dont trust people easy. i think also this could be cos my mom lied and said she had cancer when she didnt and that was before the family friend died. thanks for your help Jo it really was nice of you hon. :) xxxx