View Full Version : Help please. Panicking right now!!

03-04-08, 18:20
All three of my children have been ill this week with a really nasty tummy bug. They are getting better now but I have had very little sleep for the last four nights. I have been feeling really spaced out today; head spinning and everything looking odd!! I hada wisdom tooth partially removed a few months ago and the bit they left in is really aching - I feel like a have a temperature and feel dizzy. I keep wondering if I am coming down with this bug or something else.

My husband works in London and is playing football tonight until 10pm. I just called him and he told me to take some neurofen and sit outside with a glass of water (I have been stuck inside for days!!). I have done that and still feel really wierd. I keep feeling like I can't breathe properly and my chest feels tight. My Mum isn't answering the phone and all my friends are tied up with their kids this time of night. I need to get the kids ready for bed but I have no energy! I feel really alone. Help please!!

03-04-08, 19:37

I could have written your post myself!

How are you now?

H x

03-04-08, 19:40
Hi Hunny

Thanks - feeling a lot better now. The neurofen worked as I had a bit of a temperature. I managed to get all the kids into bed and sat outside for a while. I also spoke to my Mum which always helps.

How are you?

03-04-08, 19:56
I'm feeling the way you did , I often do

I have managed to get my youngest to bed though which is something at least

I think I need plenty of sleep and some good food too :)

Glad you are feeling better :)

H x

03-04-08, 20:01

Hope you are feeling better soon. I am in desperate need of a good night's sleep too - can't remember when I last had a night where I could sleep straight through!!

Can we PM eachother if we feel like this? Seems like we are going through similar things.

Take care.

03-04-08, 22:11
Yeah sure :)

Nice to know I'm not going mad on my own :)

H x

04-04-08, 02:36
Hope you are both feeling better.