View Full Version : Eye pain.

03-04-08, 20:25
I have the strangest pain in my eye. I hurts when i move it left/right/up/down. Its not a headache, literally hurts only in and round the right eye.

Anyone else had this..


03-04-08, 21:18
I have had this quite alot . only seems to hurt though when i move left, right up and down, I just try and turn my whole head if I need to look somewhere seems to help normally doesn't last for more than a few days though, light just be eye strain.

03-04-08, 22:49
I get this sometimes - very unpleasant. Do you wear glasses/contact lenses? And when was your last eye test? might be worth having one if you haven't had one for a while, as it is probably just eye strain.

04-04-08, 03:41
I get these too.. I call it an eye ache :P Like a headache but in the eye :P

04-04-08, 20:27
I replied earlier, I woke up with this today but only when I look up this time think i'm tired and stressed at the min.

05-04-08, 19:38
I had some eye pain about a year ago, although not quite as you describe.

I went to the optician and guess what? The presence of a woman touching the area around my eye relaxed me to the extent that it then went away.

Yes, it was tension!