View Full Version : Cipralex

03-04-08, 20:53
Hi everyone

I have recenlty had to stop taking prozac because i was having bad side effects with it and now my doctor has proscribed me cipralex (escitalopram) along with some diazepam.

Over the last week of taking these i have been yawning all day long and keep feeling really tired although my anxiety/depression seems to be lifting. Has anyone had a similar experience with both or either of these drugs?

Please someone try and help me..... all i seem to do is spend each day worrying.



04-04-08, 02:34
G'day Chris
I've been on Cipralex 10mg/day and Diazepam 5mg twice daily for about 2 years now and i find em great.
It takes 2 - 4 weeks for it to kick in and then you suddenly feel normal.
Phill :shades:

04-04-08, 09:37

Going onto new drugs especially diazapam will cause drowsiness and make you feel really tired. Diazapam has a sedative effect.
I can relate to the diazapam but not cipralex.

I hope the early side effects wear off for you and soon you will feel the benefit for taking them.

Take care of you