View Full Version : Friend coming back from travelling to me with anxiety

03-04-08, 21:30
Hi everyone,

Just wanted a bit of reassurance/advice really.

A good friend of mine that I used to wrok with told me today over MSN that she is coming back from travelling (she's been gone for just over a year now) next week. She said she's not going to tell me what day she's back as she's going to surprise me with a visit to work, to see me and couple other people, of course now I'm worrying.....

Last time she saw me I'd never experienced panic/anxiety before, we used to have such a laugh at work but don't feel lke I'm the laughy giggly person anymore, so now I'm worrying what I'm going to be like when I see her next week. I'm having alot of the lovely depersonalisation thingy at the mo so feel like I'm in a daydream alot,now I'm really worried I'm going to come across as 'weird' or just won't know what to say, especially if I have to speak to her at work in front of other people, have a thing where I get embarrased speaking in a group of people.

So you see now instead of looking forward to seeing my friend again I am really worried (even thinking of not going to work) I'm going to come across as a bit weird (cos of DP thing) or just not know what to say at all or just say nothing cos other people will be there.

Any advice would be extremely welcome, thanks for reading.


03-04-08, 22:53
I found often, that I was fine with people who didn't know about it - they reminded me of the fun person I was before all the nonsense started! Alternatively, could you tell her how you are feeling? I found it helpful to tell most of my friends, and also tell them the strategies that helped me feel better - going for a walk to get rid of anxiety, reassurance etc. They were really good and often walked round the block with me! Even at three in the morning...

04-04-08, 03:08
If you had a broken leg then she couldn't fail to notice that you're not as you were but she won't be able to read your thoughts. She may think you're quiet but only you will know what you're thinking and feeling.

She'll probably just think you're busy and got alot on your mind so I really wouldn't worry about it. She's a good friend so she'll accept you just as before no matter what you're thinking and feeling.:hugs: