View Full Version : Hi All

03-04-08, 22:21
Hi All,
I have recenetly found this website after suffering what I believe is Anxiety attacks.
It all began about a month ago, I had been stressing about some niggling pains in my stomach. Cut a long story short I had Testicular Cancer in 2004 and was lucky it was caught early and have been free of disease since. I have always thought the worst with health issues and deep down know it is increadably unlikely to come back after this time, but still I worry.
I have a stressfull job as a senoir manager but up to now almost enjoyed the 'pressure' sad as it may sound. Anyway the syptoms started, constant lighheadedness (which never really goes) , dizziness, 'odd' thoughts feeling jittery....all of which I now believe is Anxiety.
I seem to have 2-3 'good' days then several bad ones and tend to be better when I convince myself not to worry about the syptoms and believe it isnt something more serious.
I have a CT scan on Monday, hopefully this will ease my mind if (when) it comes back clear, and Im hoping the constant lighheaddedness will go too!.
Id like to hear from anyone experiencing similar syptoms, and hopefully convince myself not to worry and Im not going to go mad with brain overdrive!
Thanks all,

03-04-08, 23:02
Hi Ukflyer
:welcome: to nmp, it does sound like you have anxiety, i get dizziness too.

love Mags xxx

04-04-08, 10:38
Hi UK!

You're not going mad! I agree with mags sounds like anxiety! And you seem to be taking the right steps by seeking medical help.

THis site is great(I'm relatively new to it myself). It's very informative and the users really do support each other.

Glad to have you along.


04-04-08, 11:07
Hi Ukflyer

Welcome to NMP hun :)

Jo xxxxx

04-04-08, 12:42
Hi UKflyer and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. The symptoms you describe are really common and you might find looking at the links on the left useful.

Take care,

Mike :)

04-04-08, 14:23
Hello Ukflyer And Welcome....i Wish Ya Well....linda

04-04-08, 18:44
Hi UKflyer

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

05-04-08, 13:38
hiya Ukflyer, just wanted to give you a big warm :welcome: to nmp. im sure you will get as much help and support that i have from all these great ppl. hope to talk to you in chat.
best wishes
takecare :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

kellie .xxxxxxxxxxxxx


05-04-08, 16:33
Hi UkFlyer,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

06-04-08, 20:19

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx