View Full Version : feelings after panic attack

24-03-05, 15:23
does anybody experience being so drained like you just recovered from a really bad flu or sickness after a major panic attack.?i always felt this way after the big one and it just a bummer

24-03-05, 16:01
Hi there,

Yes I used to get this feeling alot and sometimes it would take me days to recover from a really bad attack in the beginning. I have been suffering panic attacks/depresion and anxiety for nearly 5 years. I am on medication now which has helped, I only seem to get the bad panics when I have had to much alcohol and I tend to get them in the middle of the night ad they seem to last for hours. It can feel like I've been run over by a truck the next day, don't know whether that's part of the hangover or the panic attack!! I don't have as many now I'm on medication but still get some anxiety symptoms. things will get easier though.
Take care
Love Lisaxx

24-03-05, 17:39
I get that as well - I feel like I have been run over..

24-03-05, 17:41
i feel like i just want to curl up and sleep

fan x

"dont wait for the light at the end of the tunnel..........stride down there and light the bl**dy thing yourself!

24-03-05, 18:56
Hi there,

Me too, i always feel exhausted afterwards, and sometimes feel tired lots of the time, manage to plod along most days though. xx

24-03-05, 19:05

I too feel exhausted, physically and mentally afterwards,

tracy x x

24-03-05, 19:59
Oh yes - I feel exhausted and worn out. It takes me the next day to really get over it and recover.

It is very draining so we need to be kinder to ourselves the next day and appreciate that we are a bit zonked out!


24-03-05, 21:49

Yeah i do feel like that, i feel absolutely exhaused and feel like i could sleep forever.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

25-03-05, 22:23
yes after panic attacks the body is drained, i used to feel as if i had ran a marathon....however if you take 10mins to do something nice for yourself AFTER you will feel less drained.

take care


26-03-05, 12:03
Yes I feel like that too,it's absolutely draining isn't it.


26-03-05, 14:29
i feel like this to it knocks u for six.

take care
