View Full Version : Doctor!

03-04-08, 22:45
Hi all.

I finally went to the doctors today and told her my anxiety problems. I was offered medication but I didnt take instead ive been put on the waiting list for CBT so im pleased that ive finally started doing something about it and feel a bit more positive already!!


03-04-08, 22:51
Hurray! I found CBT and learning breathing techniques really helped with my anxiety - have felt much better for ages! Hope it goes well.

04-04-08, 14:22
Carl !

Well done. Having taken this step you're already on the road to recovery. Read up on all the useful stuff on this web site. Also have a look at www.emofree.com (http://www.emofree.com) for ways you can help yourself in the meantime.
Be kind to yourself

04-04-08, 21:45
Hi Carl

Telling the doctor about your anxiety problems is a BIG step forward for you hun in the right direction, great to hear you are feeling alot more positive, been postive is the one thing that gets us through the anxiety, i wish you good luck with the CBT too.:)
