View Full Version : Wind pains

04-04-08, 13:49
I have always suffered with abit of wind, I don't mean needing to let out wind all the time:winks: but I mean I have had occasional days of feeling like my stomach is very windy and bubbly and I get a heavy feeling in my chest like there is a ball of wind, I can't lie down because it hurts so much.

I haven;t had it much in my twenties really, had it bad in my teens but then this last 2 weeks or so ive had it twice. First time was for 3 days over easter then it finally went and then last night it flared up again. Thankfully not as bad and the ball of wind feeling has gone this morning after a long restless night and a nightmare which woke me up quickly and made me jump, hurting my chest even more, haha!

I just feel terribly windy, heavy feeling low down in tummy and aswell high up in my back, between my shoulder blades.

I saw my GP last september and he prescribed ranitidine, they helped a tad but I didn't like taking them for long tbh but it went and ive not had it really until recently. I would say this year I have had it 3 times.

What could be causing it? stress?? I have 3 young children at home and its half term:winks: it wouldn't be serious would it because surely it wouldn't come and go?

I feel awful at the moment, my skin in just awful, ive very sore spots on my face so I feel so ugly and I am full of wind. I am falling apart:D

04-04-08, 13:58
Hello Cherry !

yes, I feel like this when I get stressed too - which is most of the time at the moment. I find taking some "tums" eases it - they're just like sherbert sweets, taste OK and are a good source of calcium. You can get them from Boots or Superdrug where they stock indigestion remedies. Worth a try ?
Be kind to yourself

04-04-08, 14:24
Thanks Neptuno,

I am taking the strong gaviscon and drinking water. Once the pain is stuck in my chest it feels like is lodged in place and I can't get rid of it, I need winding like a baby to get some relief, lol!

04-04-08, 14:28
I take Andrews or try rubbing in a clockwise direction, like when a baby has colic.


04-04-08, 14:39
Thanks B.

Just wish i knew what was causing it so often.

04-04-08, 15:24
Hiya Cherry,

I know how much of a nightmare this can be as i suffer from it myself quite alot. I can have it so bad, i nearly end up in tears. I find Zantac works with me best, also if you are finding that it keeps you awake at night. Prop the top end of your bed up with some books at each end, this helps to stop the wind trapping itself in the one place, i was told this once by a doctor and it really does work.

Best of luck

Love Lisa

04-04-08, 15:26

i forgot to add!! drinking slightly cooled boiled water helps to break the wind too (an old wives tale) but reallt does work.


04-04-08, 16:44
Thanks very much,

Did your doctor tell you what was causing it? I have suffered on & off all my life like this.

04-04-08, 17:31
No hun, I recon mine can be down to stress alot of the time. Have you heard of nervous indigestion??

It's a nightmare. I have had bloods done, and they all came back fine so i'm defo relating mine to stress!!

Hope yours eases soon, oh and remember the books under the bed :)

Love Lisa

04-04-08, 19:08
I've had this for yeeaaaarrssss too. Anxiety and stress causes this to happen - its because we get sooo tense that we swollow alot of air when we talk, eat and drink. Its not life threatening - just bloody painful ! Good idea to raise the bed head (used to drive my husband mad sliding off the end of the bed !) but it does work. I try not to drink tea or coffee before bed time as the caffeine irritates too. I have a weak stomach and find any stress always affects my weak spot. Burp it up - better out than in !

Be kind to yourself

04-04-08, 19:50
Thanks so much, you're all stars:-)

I shall try the book trick tonight;-)