View Full Version : Sorry, me again - still feeling wierd!!

04-04-08, 18:22

Thanks to you all for getting back to me yesterday about panicking. I have tried not to today but I still feel really strange. I keep feeling really dizzy, just momentarily and when I do, my heart jumps and then races. I feel like I have a temperature as the last time I felt dizzy like this I had flu. My back and chest really ache as do my shoulders and I have no appetite. Those who read my post last night will know that all 3 of my children have had a sickness bug for the last 5 days. I haven't been out since Monday, my husband has been late home and feel like I am going crazy trapped in the house.

I don't know if I am fighting off this bug or have something else. What I do know is that the anxiety keeps making me feel that it is something a lot worse like something wrong with my heart, especially with the chest pains, palpitations and dizziness. I keep trying to tell myself that it isn't but I am losing the battle. Please reassure me!!

04-04-08, 18:55
Hi Jo !
What you describe sounds like anxiety symptoms to me. Do you have a temperature ? - if you are sickening for the kids bug this would heighten those anxious feelings. Add to that all the worry and care about the kids and its no wonder you feel so rough !
Take a deep breath, let your shoulders drop (I bet they're up round your ears !) and breathe calmy and quietly. Get some good quality sleep and enjoy the weekend now you can share the care. Time to look after YOU.
be kind to yourself

04-04-08, 19:21
Hi Jo,

The mind has an awful habit of running away with itself sometimes but I'm sure you've nothing to worry about. If it's the bug you have then I'm sure it will pass within the next couple of days but it sounds like anxiety to me. Things have probably been hectic while you've been looking after your poorly children. Therefore your rushing around could have made you breath too quickly which causes you to absorb too much oxygen. The excess oxygen then makes you alert and feel dizzy which causes you to worry more when you notice the symptoms. It's a vicious circle but I'm sure things will settle down over the next day or two once your children are better.

Take care,

Mike :)